
Simple Todo App with Admin using Vue3, VueRouter4 , TailwindCSS, Json-server

Primary LanguageVue

Vue 3 TodoList App with TailwindCSS

Vue.js Vite TailwindCSS NodeJS Vercel





Vue , Vitejs , TailwindCSS, JSON-server Hosted on Vercel and Backend on Glitch

Setup Project Locally

  1. Install and Setup

        git clone 'https://github.com/singhkunal2050/vue-todo.git'
        npm install
        npm run backend
        npm run dev
  2. Change Backend API URL to Local https://dummy-json-server.glitch.me/todos to http://localhost:5000/todos in /.env file


Flow for Unique Users todo

  1. User lands
  2. If new user then a new user id is created and set to localstorage eg:user_f32f32r
  3. During Creating Todo have a user_id field associated with each todo
  4. Filter todos of the users todos with url parameters eg: /todos/userid=user_f32f32r