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Downloading Attendance management System

  1. Create a new, empty folder called opensource/ in your computer's home folder.
  2. Navigate to it (cd opensource), then fork and clone the ams repo so that it gets downloaded into opensource/ams.
  3. Navigate to this folder (cd ams) and run git remote add upstream https://github.com/codethechange-niec/ams.git (or, if you're using SSH, use git@github.com:codethechange-niec/ams.git) to add an upstream remote that's linked to ams's main repository. (This will be necessary when submitting PRs later.)
  4. Create a new database(MySQL):
    1. mysql -u root -p (Enter root password when prompted)
    2. Create new user: CREATE USER 'ams_user'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY 'ams@123';
    3. Grant all privileges to the user you just created: GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON * . * TO 'ams_user'@'localhost';
    4. Exit from mysql: exit
    5. Login in with the ams_user: mysql -u ams_user -p
    6. create database named ams: CREATE DATABASE ams;
    7. Exit from mysql: exit
    8. Import database settings: mysql -u ams_user -p ams < ams.sql
  5. Create application environment variables: cp .env.example .env
  6. Run npm install to install required dependencies.
  7. Run the server: npm start
  8. Open http://localhost:3000 in the browser.

Instructions for making code changes.

Before making any code changes read wiki(https://github.com/codethechange-niec/ams/wiki#instructions-for-making-a-code-change)