
Deep Learning-based chatbot using Tensorflow

Primary LanguagePython


A sequence2sequence chatbot implementation with TensorFlow.

Chatting with a trained model

For console chat:

  1. Run chat_console_best_weights_training.bat or chat_console_best_weights_validation.bat

For web chat:

  1. Run chat_web_best_weights_training.bat or chat_web_best_weights_validation.bat

  2. Open a browser to the URL indicated by the server console, followed by /chat_ui.html. This is typically: http://localhost:8080/chat_ui.html

To chat with a trained model from a python console:

  1. Set console working directory to the seq2seq-chatbot directory. This directory should have the models and datasets directories directly within it.

  2. Run chat.py with the model checkpoint path:

run chat.py models\cornell_movie_dialog\trained_model\best_weights_training.ckpt

Training a model

To train a model from a python console:

  1. To train a new model, run train.py with the dataset path:
run train.py --datasetdir=datasets\dataset_name

Or to resume training an existing model, run train.py with the model checkpoint path:

run train.py --checkpointfile=models\dataset_name\model_name\checkpoint.ckpt

Visualizing a model in TensorBoard

To start TensorBoard from a terminal:

tensorboard --logdir=model_dir


The following python packages are used in seq2seq-chatbot: (excluding packages that come with Anaconda)