
A dApp for token yield farming

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Yield Farming App

Deposit mDAI into the decentralized application and yield DAPP, a reward token. This is based on the pricinciple of yield farming, which is popular in DeFi today.


  • React
  • Node
  • Solidity

Smart contracts

  1. DAI
  2. Dapp token
  3. TokenFarm

Explore the blockchain

truffle console
> tokenFarm = await TokenFarm.deployed()
> tokenFarm.address

# Check mDai balance
> mDai = await DaiToken.deployed()

# get accounts
> accounts = await web3.eth.getAccounts()

> balance = await mDai.balanceOf(accounts[1])
> balance.toString()

> formattedBalance = web3.utils.fromWei(balance)

Compile and migrate

truffle compile

truffle migrate --reset



Error: Could not find
import  from any sources; imported from /Users/kunal/dev/eth/defi_tutorial/src/contracts/TokenFarm.sol

Solution: use Semicolors (;) after lines of solidity code


truffle test