ZeroQuant Implementation

This is an implementation of the paper ZeroQuant: Efficient and Affordable Post-Training Quantization for Large-Scale Transformers

For setting up the environment we recommend using a conda environment or virtual environment. For installing the required packages, run -

pip install -r requirements.txt

Our implementation supports both 8 and 4 bit weight and activation quantizations. You can also specify different weight precisions for different layers in the model. Using this you can easily peform mixed precision weight quantization. However, the layer must be an instance of nn.Linear or nn.Embedding.

You can find the quant configurations in the quant_configs folder.

For quantizing a BERT model and evaluating on CoLA task of the GLUE benchmark:

python --task-name cola --quant-config quant_configs/bert_config.json

Similarly, for running RoBERTa run:

python --model-name roberta-base --task-name qnli --quant-config quant_configs/roberta_config.json
python --model-name roberta-large --task-name qnli --quant-config quant_configs/roberta_config.json

or Run for all the task at once by -

bash roberta_run.bash

For quantizing GPT-2 XL model and evaluating perplexity on Wikitext-2 dataset, run:

python --dataset  wikitext --dataset-config wikitext-2-raw-v1 --model gpt2-xl --tokenizer gpt2-xl  --batch-size 4 --quant-config quant_configs/gpt2_xl_config_W8A8.json

Using, you can quantize any decoder models, you just need to configure the quant configuration for that model.