
The frontend app is made with Angular 4.2 using @angular/cli 1.4.9. The only dependency used in the product is "@angular/material": "^2.0.0-beta.12" for the material design components in the app.

To run the project locally

cd algos-frontend && npm install && ng serve

Now this runs on the default angular-cli port 4200. http://localhost:4200

Algo1 - Frequently occuring words in a file

The SPA has a single input field to enter the "number of entries that are to be retrieved" along with 2 options either to

  • Retrieve the data realtime from the file and provide the result. [Get the output]
  • Retrieve the data from cached data using Redis. [Get the output faster with Redis]

Note : "Where" and "where" are treated as different. ie. The program is case-sensitive.

alt screenshot-1