
Created a simple game where u can play with the snake

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Created a simple game where u can play with the snake I have just not uploaded the picture of snake. U have to adjust on ur own if ur seeing my repo in the future.

Things that u can undertand from this Snake Game This repository contains a simple Snake Game built with HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. The game features a responsive layout, a grid-based game board, and a snake that grows longer as it consumes food.

How to Play

  • Use the arrow keys to control the direction of the snake.
  • Press the spacebar to start the game.
  • Try to eat the food to increase your score.
  • Avoid collisions with the walls and the snake's own body.


  • Responsive design for various screen sizes.
  • High score tracking.
  • Increasing speed as the snake grows longer.
  • Collision detection for game over scenarios.

Getting Started

Feel free to contribute by opening issues, suggesting enhancements, or submitting pull requests. Have fun playing the Snake Game! Thanks u :-