
Automated conversion of DNN model (written in Keras) to C++

Primary LanguageC++

Automatic code generation and inference in C++

This is the GSoC project I am doing under CERN-HSF organization with Felice Pantaleo as the mentor.
The goal of the project is to make a module which reproduces the DNN network originally written in python using keras in C++.
So the project can be divided in 4 parts

  • Extracting the architecture and important information related to each layers in the network
  • Converting numpy arrays into c++ vectors
  • Code generator for sequential and A+B->C type graph networks which generates the equivalent DNN in C++.
  • Setting weights and biases in each layer after the C++ architecture is produced and hence doing Inference. Setting weights and biases for Dense layer and Convolution layer is supported which can be seen in the file inference_doublets.cpp, inference_xor.cpp in cp_model folder. inference_doublets.cpp is more robust and near to completion. Please go throught the Repository Overview below, important for sucessful usage of this module.

Repository Overview

  • py_model - contains
    • code_gen.py - extracts the architecture and important information related to each layers in the network and then produces the equivalent network in C++ using the framework of tiny-dnn. Weights and biases per layer are stored in the weights folder. This script prints - the architecture, layer-wise details (like for a convolution layer it prints the number of filters, strides, kernel size, padding and the activation function used), weight matrix shape for each layer and name of the corresponding layers that is used to define the keras model in C++ non-sequential networks.
    • translate.py - weights stored in the folder weights are in .npy format. This scripts converts .npy file to .txt file. The generated files are stored in txt_weights folder
    • Doublets - Contains files to build and train the DNN on doublets dataset. On running main.py, training will be done and the trained model will be saved in test_models/saved/models/. doublet_translate.py should be ran for translating the input files in dataset/doublets/npy from .npy format to .txt format which is stored in dataset/doublets/txt/.
    • XOR - There are two files main.py and train.pywhich can be used to train a DNN to learn XOR representation. You can build your DNN model and save it and use it to do the Inference
    • MNIST - Currently it contains a CNN model for learning digit classification for MNIST dataset. But one can build their own model. One can edit main.py and train.py to build their own DNN using keras and train it. Using the code generator, equivalent DNN network can be made in C++.
  • cp_model - contains
    • target.cpp - this is the file which is produced after executing code_gen.py. The equivalent architecture is defined and saved as binary file named model after you compile and run this file.
    • inference_doublets.cpp - this file is used to do the inference on doublets dataset which is present in dataset/doublets/. Trained weights are loaded into vectors and the model saved after running target.cpp are loaded too. Then the weights and biases are set into the Dense layers and Convolution layers. After that predictions are made.
    • inference_xor.cpp - this file is used to do the inference for saved trained model for learning XOR representation. Trained weights are loaded into vectors and the model saved after running target.cpp are loaded too. Then the weights and biases are set into the Dense layers. After that predictions are made.
    • inference.cpp - this file loads the saved trained weights from the folder txt_weights and stores them in c++ vec. Then the saved model is loaded and the architecture is printed with dimensions for input, output and weights.
    • inference_b.cpp - this file loads the saved trained weights directly from the .npy format and stores them in c++ vec.
    • train_sequential.cpp - this file conatins an example to make a sequential network using tiny-dnn
    • train_graph.cpp - this file conatins an example to make a graph(A+B->C) network using tiny-dnn
    • sample_tiny_dnn_train.cpp - an example to define and make a network using tiny-dnn
  • test_models/saved_models - this is where the trained model from keras should be saved

How to use the code

  1. git clone this https://github.com/tiny-dnn/tiny-dnn.git and this repo
  2. cd py_model
  3. run python code_gen.py name_of_the_trained_model_stored_in_test_models/saved_models/ (this will generate target.cpp in cp_folder and will create folders weights and txt_weights if not present and will save the weights as numpy)
  4. python translate.py converts .npy file to .txt file.
  5. cd cp_model. Compile target.cpp using g++ target.cpp -Ipath_to_tiny_dnn -o main "-std=c++14" -pthread and then run ./main. This will generate model binary file and graph_net_example.txt(if the network is a graph one, not valid for sequential one). To visualize the graph dot -Tgif graph_net_example.txt -o graph.gif.
  6. Depending on the dataset you used. Like if you used doublets dataset then g++ inference_doublets.cpp -Ipath_to_tiny-dnn/ -o main "-std=c++14" -pthread and run ./main.

When the network is sequential, please name the input file as hit_shape.npy. When the network has two inputs, please name the input file for branch A as hit_shape.npy and for branch B as hit_info.npy. After this code is used for the first time, weights and txt_weights folders are made. When re-running the code with a different keras model, please ensure that both these folders are empty( it will work even if you dont delete it but still)


Nothing. All you need is g++ version that supports C++14 and python2

Demo for automatic code generation and inference for XOR

This is a presentation where I show steps and the outputs of the step https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1QDXf2t0ysrREG_owA45hQVZtsDVk6iOS8XQIlSMEsoQ/edit?usp=sharing

Future Work

I am able to set weights and biases into Convolution layer and Dense layer. I have tested this module on doublet dataset and the results were correct. I need to do some finishing work. Future works -

  • Making it compatible for python 3
  • Improving exception handling
  • Loading of input dataset into inference files is not automated yet so this can be done.
  • Adding support for more layers like Batchnorm, deconvolution layer


I would like to thank my mentor Felice Pantaleo for the support and guidance throughtout the project. As well as I would like to thank CERN-HSF and Google for giving me this opportunity to have a valuable,amazing Summer.