
Ruby wrappers for SymEngine

Primary LanguageRubyMIT LicenseMIT

SymEngine Ruby Wrappers

Ruby wrappers gem for SymEngine, a fast symbolic manipulation library, written in C++. https://github.com/sympy/symengine



  • C++ compiler - See supported compilers

  • CMake - with executable folder in the PATH variable

  • libsymengine - See build instructions


  • Simply do,

      gem install symengine
  • If libsymengine is not found, you can give the installation directory or build directory by doing,

      gem install symengine -- -DSymEngine_DIR=/path/to/symengine/root


  • Install bundler by gem install bundler
  • Execute bundle install this will install the gems required
  • Build the gem, gem build symengine.gemspec
  • Install the gem, gem install symengine-0.1.0.gem

Using the extensions

SymEngine is a module in the extensions, and the classes are a part of it. So first you fire up the interpreter and load the file

~$ irb
2.2.0 :001 > require 'symengine'
 => true

Go ahead and try a function

2.2.0 :002 > SymEngine.ascii_art

 _____           _____         _
|   __|_ _ _____|   __|___ ___|_|___ ___
|__   | | |     |   __|   | . | |   | -_|
|_____|_  |_|_|_|_____|_|_|_  |_|_|_|___|
      |___|               |___|
 => nil

or create a variable

2.2.0 :003 > basic = SymEngine::Symbol.new("x")
=> #<SymEngine::Symbol:0x0000000274d608>