
🐰 An easy to use Laravel package for working with RabbitMQ.

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Laravel RabbitMQ

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An easy-to-use Laravel package for working with RabbitMQ.


  • Producers
  • Consumers
  • Publish / Subscribe
  • Exchanges
    • Default
    • Direct
    • Topic
    • Fanout


  • PHP 7.4+
  • Laravel 6.0+


1. Installation

composer require kunalvarma05/laravel-rabbitmq

2. Default Configuration

php artisan vendor:publish --tag=config

Quick Start


There are multiple ways of initializing the library:

// A. Direct instantiation
$rabbitMQ = new RabbitMQManager(app());

// B. Binding
$rabbitMQ = app('rabbitmq');

// C. Dependency injection (Controller, Command, Job, etc.)
public function __consturct(RabbitMQManager $rabbitMQ) { ... }

// D. Facade
// All the public methods of the `RabbitMQManager` class
// are available through the `RabbitMQ` facade.


$message = new RabbitMQMessage('message body');

// Publish to the default exchange/topic/queue

// Publish bulk messages
$messages = [new RabbitMQMessage('message 1'), new RabbitMQMessage('message 2')];


// A. Consume through a closure
$handler = new RabbitMQGenericMessageConsume(function (RabbitMQIncomingMessage $message) {
  $content = $message->getStream();

// B. Consume through a class
class MyMessageConsumer extends RabbitMQMessageConsumer {
  public function handle(RabbitMQIncomingMessage $message) {
    $content = $message->getStream();
$handler = new MyMessageConsumer();

// Starts a blocking loop `while (true)`


// Resolve the default connection
// @see: AMQPSSLConnection https://github.com/php-amqplib/php-amqplib/blob/master/PhpAmqpLib/Connection/AMQPSSLConnection.php
$amqpConnection = $rabbitMQ->resolveConnection();

// Resolve the default channel
// @see: AMQPChannel https://github.com/php-amqplib/php-amqplib/blob/master/PhpAmqpLib/Channel/AMQPChannel.php
$amqpChannel = $rabbitMQ->resolveChannel();


Connection Configuration

$connectionName = 'custom_connection'; // Set to `null` for default connection
// Override the default connection config
$connectionConfig = new ConnectionConfig(['username' => 'quest', 'password' => 'quest']);
$customConnection = $rabbitMQ->resolveConnection($connectionName, $connectionConfig);

Message Configuration

$config = [
  'content_encoding' => 'UTF-8',
  'content_type'     => 'text/plain',
  'delivery_mode'    => AMQPMessage::DELIVERY_MODE_PERSISTENT,
$message = new RabbitMQMessage('message body', $config);

// Set message exchange
$exchangeConfig = ['type' => AMQPExchangeType::DIRECT];
$exchange = new RabbitMQExchange('my_exchange', $exchangeConfig);

Publish Configuration

$publisher = $rabbitMQ->publisher();

$message = new RabbitMQMessage('message body');

$exchangeConfig = ['type' => AMQPExchangeType::TOPIC];
$exchange = new RabbitMQExchange('my_exchange', $exchangeConfig);


$routingKey = 'key'; // Can be an empty string, but not null
$connectionName = 'custom_connection'; // Set to null for default connection

// The publish config allows you to any override default configuration
// The following precendence works for the configuration:
// Message exchange config > Publish config > Connection config > Default config
// In this case, the exchange type used would be AMQPExchangeType::TOPIC
$publishConfig = new PublishConfig(['exchange' => ['type' => AMQPExchangeType::FANOUT]]);

$publisher->publish($message, $routingKey, $connectionName, $publishConfig);

Consumer Configuration

$consumer = $rabbitMQ->consumer();
$routingKey = 'key';

$exchange = new RabbitMQExchange('test_exchange', ['declare' => true, 'durable' => true]);
$queue = new RabbitMQQueue('my_queue', ['declare' => true, 'durable' => true]);

$messageConsumer = new RabbitMQGenericMessageConsumer(
    function (RabbitMQIncomingMessage $message) {
      // Acknowledge a message
      // Reject a message
      $requeue = true; // Reject and Requeue

// A1. Set the exchange and the queue directly

// OR

// A2. Set the exchange and the queue through config
$consumeConfig = new ConsumeConfig(
    'queue' => [
      'name' => 'my_queue',
      'declare' => true,
      'durable' => true,
  'exchange' => [
      'name' => 'test_exchange',
      'declare' => true,



Running a Consumer

  • Create a custom command:
php artisan make:command MyRabbitConsumer --command "rabbitmq:my-consumer {--queue=} {--exchange=} {--routingKey=}"
  • Register the command in app/Console/Kernel.php
protected $commands = [
  • Consume through the handler

namespace App\Console\Commands;

use Illuminate\Console\Command;
use Kunnu\RabbitMQ\RabbitMQQueue;
use Kunnu\RabbitMQ\RabbitMQExchange;
use Kunnu\RabbitMQ\RabbitMQIncomingMessage;
use Kunnu\RabbitMQ\RabbitMQGenericMessageConsumer;

class MyRabbitConsumer extends Command
     * The name and signature of the console command.
     * @var string
    protected $signature = 'rabbitmq:my-consumer {--queue} {--exchange} {--routingKey}';

     * The console command description.
     * @var string
    protected $description = 'My consumer command';

     * Create a new command instance.
     * @return void
    public function __construct()

     * Execute the console command.
     * @return mixed
    public function handle()
        $rabbitMQ = app('rabbitmq');
        $messageConsumer = new RabbitMQGenericMessageConsumer(
            function (RabbitMQIncomingMessage $message) {
                // Handle message
                $this->info($message->getStream()); // Print to console
            $this, // Scope the closure to the command

        $routingKey = $this->option('routingKey') ?? '';
        $queue = new RabbitMQQueue($this->option('queue') ?? '', ['declare' => true]);
        $exchange = new RabbitMQExchange($this->option('exchange') ?? '', ['declare' => true]);


        $rabbitMQ->consumer()->consume($messageConsumer, $routingKey);
  • Call the command from the console
php artisan rabbitmq:my-consumer --queue='my_queue' --exchange='test_exchange' --routingKey='key'

Publishing Messages

  • Create route <-> controller binding
Route::get('/publish', 'MyRabbitMQController@publish');
  • Create a controller to publish message
class MyRabbitMQController extends Controller {

  public function publish(Request $request)
    $rabbitMQ = app('rabbitmq');
    $consumer = $rabbitMQ->consumer();
    $routingKey = 'key'; // The key used by the consumer

    // The exchange (name) used by the consumer
    $exchange = new RabbitMQExchange('test_exchange', ['declare' => true]);

    $contents = $request->get('message', 'random message');

    $message = new RabbitMQMessage($contents);


    return ['message' => "Published {$contents}"];
  • Make a request or browse to: http://localhost:8000/publish?message=Hello

  • Check your console for the message Hello to be printed


composer run-script test



The MIT License (MIT). Please see License File for more information.