A new custom Discord client based on simplicity, extendability and performance using NeutralinoJS.
Note: Not finished and lacks many features. You will need to install the cached assets manually untill I fix it. (Most likely going to be injected from a Node script before neu.
Note: You need both npm and git installed.
This one is obvious
git clone https://github.com/Thesourtimes/voidcord
cd voidcord
When you are done you may want to run setup scripts for installing nue. It's pretty simple.
#If you are running Linux or literally any other UNIX-like OS that can run on PCs and has Bash
npm run setup:unix
#Win sucks
npm run setup:windows
Well now you will need to run the client with It's caching server in order to use it. Here is how.
#Start the client
npm run test
#Starts the server with neu's debug port on a seperate terminal
npm run cache-server <port>
This will install the requested Discord assets from the index.html
inlines. You can change it from the same file for now.
Main Features
- Neuralino uses Safari's Webkit instead of Chromium, a high gain for performance and low-end users.
- Uses Cumcord's web plugin for modifications.
- Caches Discord's client scripts for faster load times. There is a simple cache server written in Node.js for that. (Will be rewritten in Rust)
- Follows KISS philosophy. You take it from barebones, extend and make it your with custom CSS, scripts, web builds, mods, Fosscord & Litecord Instances and so on.
- This build of webkit doesn't supports WebRTC and that means you won't be able to use Voice channels. I will do my part for this issue later.
- Is buggy and you need to compile it for yourself.
- Might be a bit complicated for non-power users.
- It shows a blank white page on Windows while using Fosscord
- Accessing to localhost from UWP context is disabled by default on Windows. You can disable It with this.
CheckNetIsolation.exe LoopbackExempt -a -n="Microsoft.Win32WebViewHost_cw5n1h2txyewy"