
Custom theme used on BrianGardner.com

Primary LanguagePHP

=== Avalanche Theme ===

Github project link: https://github.com/bgardner/avalanche

=== Implementing Backstretch ===

Host the backstretch.js file found in the js folder on your server, and use code similar to https://gist.github.com/4483478 in the Footer Scripts box on the Genesis Theme Settings page.

=== Jetpack Social Sharing Icons ===

Just a note to mention that I am currently using the Jetpack plugin for my social sharing icons. I have built a function (lines 44-53 in functions.php) which appends them to both the top and bottom of the post. If you do not have Jetpack acitvated, this might throw an error on each post. Simply remove the aforementioned code and you should be good to go.

=== Developer Info ===

Name: Brian Gardner
Website: http://www.briangardner.com
Twitter: http://twitter.com/bgardner