
A more flexible electrs (written by flex)

Primary LanguageRustMIT LicenseMIT


Fork of https://github.com/Blockstream/electrs which can be configured for an arbitrary Bitcoin compatible system.

Blockstream electrs API documentation is available here.

Documentation for the database schema and indexing process is available here.


flextrs inherits its flags and usage from electrs, but the following flags are now added and required to initialize:

  • --magic <hex digits for the magic bytes for the block>
  • --p2sh-prefix <number representing the p2sh magic byte>
  • --p2pkh-prefix <number representing the p2pkh magic byte>
  • --bech32-prefix <prefix for bech32 encoding>
  • `--genesis-hash

--auth can be used to use Basic credentials to the target Bitcoin RPC, if a .cookie file is not used.

The --bech32_prefix should not have a leading 0x and should be the bytes in little endian representing the u32 value for the magic bytes for the Bitcoin fork.

And the slight difference for the usage of --network

  • --network <directory within the bitcoin data directory to search for blocks>

Example --network could be either testnet3 or testnet4 instead of supplying testnet as was the case with the Blockstream electrs implementation.

A full example of invocation for dogecoin:

./flextrs/target/release/flextrs --network dogecoin --daemon-db-dir ~/.dogecoin --db-dir ~/.dogecoin-flextrs --auth 'dogecoinrpc:dogecoinrpc' --daemon-rpc-addr --p2sh-prefix 22 --p2pkh-prefix 30 --bech32-prefix dc --magic c0c0c0c0 --genesis-hash 1a91e3dace36e2be3bf030a65679fe821aa1d6ef92e7c9902eb318182c355691


