
Flutter app that visualizes changes in most gaining stocks in real time

Primary LanguageDart

Stock Visualizer


Welcome to the Stock Visualizer, which presents the following features :

  1. Back End (Python)

    • Web scraping on Yahoo Finance to retrieve most active or most gaining stocks
    • Sort stocks based on chosen criteria and retrieve top 5 stocks
    • Call API of selected stocks to retreive data in JSON format (time, open/close price, high/low, volume)
    • Cleanse the JSON data to a more readable format and visualize the time series data
  2. Front End (Dart/Flutter)

    • Build app with 5 tabs for each of the 5 stocks
    • Each tab displays the following :
      • Symbol of stock (e.g. AAPL)
      • Displays the plot generated by Python
      • Estimated profit/loss since start of app runtime
      • Button that links to Yahoo Finance info on the specified stock


  1. Download folder and move directory to downloaded path
  2. Check the following on main.py
    • Switch between finance.yahoo.com/gainers and finance.yahoo.com/most-active based on need
    • Get your keycode at alphavantage.co and input keycode to retrieve stock API
    • Feel free to switch the path for where the image and JSON file will be created
  3. Check the following on dart_folder
    • Check that pubspec.yaml is accessing assets from the correct path
    • Check that main.dart is accessing JSON and image files from the correct path
  4. On terminal, change directory to py_folder and run 'python main.py'
  5. Wait for images, JSON file to be generated
  6. Turn on iOS or Android simulator
  7. On terminal, change directory to dart_folder and run 'flutter run'
  8. Run 'flutter clean' and delete pycache file after finishing app
