#my-extjs This is an Example Extjs Java Application about Clients and their Addresses ##Business Logic / short specification
- The application has a login
- Users can be normal Users or Administrators
- A User can list, add, edit, deactivate Clients.
- A Client can only removed from Database by an Administrator
- Clients can have multiple addresses.
- Adresses can be added, modified and deactivated. (In the first version)
- An Administrator can add/edit/delete Users
- (check) Adding a Simple Testcase
- Implement an ExtJs Frontend (Table and Form)
- (check) Setup Main Frontend (mvc and so on)
- (check) Setup Grid
- (check) Setup EditForm
- (check) Functionality read
- (check) Functionality create
- (check) Functionality update
- Functionality delete
- Functionality destroy
- Implement Testcases
- (check) List
- (check) create
- (check) update
- (check) delete
- destroy
- Redesign Frontend
- Add a oneToMany dependency Client 1:n Address
- Add User security
- Add Admin functionality
- Implement an HTML5 Fileupload with Progressbar
- Implement docx4j
- Add ErrorHandling
- Add search and filtering
- Add js/css compression in build process
##Usage This app is designed to use in JBOSS 7.1.1
To deploy in JBOSS simply use
mvn clean package jboss-as:deploy
###Test For integration tests directly on your jboss use
mvn clean test -Parq-jbossas-remote