
whisperChat is a Voice Based Conversational Assistant

Primary LanguageJavaScriptGNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0

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📝 Table of Contents

🧐 About

WhisperChat is an Open Source application that allows communication with OpenAI's ChatGPT and comes with additional features, such as:

  • Fully voiced conversation, using OpenAI's whisper API for STT, as well as Google's TTS.
  • The ability for chatGPT to retain memory of past conversations, via Pinecone + langchain.
    • NOTE: Using this feature can and will incrementally incur larger costs, as the summary of prior conversations is generated and sent along with the user prompt in the same request.
  • Initialization with a directive, to instruct chatGPT to talk in different ways and assume different personas.
  • Basic account creation, or usage via guest profile.

🏗️ Architecture


  • Pinecone can be turned off via feature flag in .env of the backend Service.


🏁 Getting Started

These instructions will get you a copy of the project up and running on your local machine for development and testing purposes. See deployment for notes on how to deploy the project on a live system.


  • Software/Libraries:

    - Docker 4.16 with Docker Compose V2 enabled
    - Node.js 18+
    - React.js 18+
    - MongoDB 5.0+ (can be run in Docker)
  • Credentials:


  • Clone the repository:

    git clone https://github.com/athrael-soju/whisperChat.git'
  • Create API keys for:

    - OpenAI API key
    - Google Gloud Service Account JSON credentials
    - Pinecone API key
  • Set Environment Variables for each service:

    • Rename frontend/.env.local to frontend/.env and set the values:
    # OpenAI
    # Backend
    SERVER_PORT=5000 - Adjust as needed
    SERVER_ADDRESS='http://localhost' - Adjust as needed
    AUDIO_DB_SENSITIVITY='-55' - Adjust as needed
    • Rename backend/.env.local to backend/.env and set values:
    SERVER_PORT=5000 - Adjust as needed
    # OpenAI
    OPENAI_ENABLED=true - Setting this to false will respond with a generic message. Used for testing.
    # Model Load Parameters
    MODEL_DIRECTIVE="directive" - Choose a directive from the list of directives in the backend/src/data folder
    # Google Cloud TTS
    GOOGLE_CLOUD_TTS_LANGUAGE="en-US" - Adjust as needed
    GOOGLE_CLOUD_TTS_NAME="en-US-Neural2-J" - Adjust as needed
    GOOGLE_CLOUD_TTS_GENDER="MALE" - Adjust as needed
    GOOGLE_CLOUD_TTS_ENCODING="MP3" - Adjust as needed
    # DB & Cache
    MONGO_URI="mongodb://admin:secret@mongodb:27017/myapp?authSource=admin" - Adjust as needed
    # Secrets
    # Pinecone Vector Search
    PINECONE_ENABLED=false - Adjust as needed
    PINECONE_PORT=4000 - Adjust as needed
    PINECONE_TOPK=5 - Adjust as needed
    PINECONE_THRESHOLD=0.95 - Adjust as needed
    • If you choose to use Pinecone, Rename pinecone/.env.local to pinecone/.env and set values:
    # OpenAI
    # Pinecone Vector Search
    PINECONE_ADDRESS="http://pinecone" - Adjust as needed
    PINECONE_PORT=4000 - Adjust as needed
    PINECONE_NAMESPACE="default" - Adjust as needed
    PINECONE_INDEX="whisper-index" - Adjust as needed
    • Additionally, replace backend/credentials/google.api.local.json with backend/credentials/google.api.json and copy/paste your google cloud JSON credentials there
  • Start Mongodb Docker container (if you don't have it installed locally):

    docker run --name mongodb -d mongo:latest
  • Run npm install in each service folder (frontend, backend, pinecone):

    cd frontend / backend / pinecone
    npm install
  • Alternatively, you can run them all with Docker (after running npm start once in the frontend to init the env.js file)

    docker-compose up --build -d using the docker-compose.yml file
    docker-compose up --build -d frontend for frontend only
    docker-compose up --build -d backend for backend only
    docker-compose up --build -d pinecone for pinecone only

You should be able to access the application at http://localhost:3000 (or whichever port you set in the frontend.env file)

🎈 Usage

  • Once deployed, login as guest, or create a basic account. Voice Chat:
    • Record allows the user to initiate continuous discussion.
    • Pause will pause recording, but pressing Record again will resume it.
    • Stop will stop the ongoing discussion. Text Chat:
    • This can be achieved by sending a request to the endpoints directly, via Postman.
    • A sample POST message can be send to localhost:5000/message and contain form-data (username, message) and the response will be returned to the body.

🚀 Deployment

  • No Deployments currently available.

⛏️ Built Using

  • Docker - Containerization and deployment.
  • ReactJs - Web Framework for frontend service.
  • NodeJs - Server Environment for backend and pinecone services.
  • OpenAI Whisper API - ChatGPT and Whisper model integration for chatbot functionality.
  • Google TTS - Converts text into natural-sounding speech in a variety of languages and voices.
  • Whisper Hook by chengsokdara - React Hook for OpenAI Whisper API with speech recorder, real-time transcription and silence removal functionality.
  • Langchain - Framework for developing applications powered by language models.

✍️ Authors

🎉 Acknowledgements

Want to Contribute?

  • Fork the repo
  • Make your changes
  • Submit a pull request
  • I'll review it and merge it