Silver Spring
A Python BTC Trading Bot/Infrastructure
Silver Spring is a trading bot and infrastructure for BTC and altcoin exchanges with Python3. This project was created to allow users -
- Automatically exchanges within 7x24 hours
- Rapidly expending new altcoins and exchanges
- Easily creating customer strategies
- Please make sure 100% understand the code before any live transactions
- You have fully responsibility for each dollar in your wallet
- Don't test with real money in your account
How To Start
- This project requires python3 installed
- Copy config.sample to config, don't forget to update your apikey and secretkey
- Set ./ to proper permission and start it
- Exchanges websites
- Strategies
- 50/50 balanced
- Grid trade
- Collect price data in sqlite3
To Be Implemented
- Multiple Index
Release Plan
2.2 (Target to WW34.1'16)
- Multiple trading strategy in single accout
- Calculate GRID profits
2.1 (Released at WW31.5'16)
- [Feature] Multi-threading for strategies
- [Feature] Enable sqlite database
- [Feature] History price data
- [Fix #8] Price quotation error when there's open order
- [Enhancement] Rewrite Grid strategy
2.0 (Released at WW28'16)
- [Fix #1] Python crash with HTTP request error when network is unstable
- [Feature] Create to generate config.sample
- [Feature] Grid trade
- [Feature] Multi-level logs
Type Description
CRITICAL | That’s bad, you may lose money when you see this
ERROR | Trade bot is stopped by unavoidable errors
WARNING | Messages needs attention, unexpected behavior happened
INFO | For user's information
DEBUG | Use this for developing this project
1.1 (Released at WW27'16)
- [Fix #2] Exit with buy_market
- [Feature] Multi-level logs
- [Enhance] 50/50 balanced strategy