
Sinatra application generator

Primary LanguageRubyMIT LicenseMIT

Gem Version Maintainability Test Coverage


Sinator is Sinatra application generator. It will generate Sinatra application with minimum configuration. The reasons behind this project because I want to create many small web application based on sinatra with other third party ruby gems as foundation.


  • Generate Sinatra based web application without database
  • Generate Sinatra based web application with PostgreSQL database configuration and Sequel as ORM
  • Rake task for assets precompile and assets clean


gem install sinator

with Bundler, put this code in your Gemfile:

gem 'sinator'

How to Use

Generate app in current directory without database.

sinator -n my_app

Generate app in target directory without database.

sinator -n my_app -t target/dir

Generate app in current directory with database. -d option will generate app with Sequel ORM and PostgreSQL adapter.

sinator -n my_app -d

Run web server on localhost.

bundle exec puma

Run application console / interactive mode / IRB.

bundle exec tux

Example Usage

This example assume that PostgreSQL is already running. See github.com/kuntoaji/todo_sinator for Todo Application generated with Sinator.

  1. run sinator -n my_app -d
  2. cd my_app
  3. run bundle install
  4. configure your database setting in config/database.yml
  5. create database with createdb my_app_development.
  6. create file db/migrations/001_create_artists.rb and put the following code:
Sequel.migration do
  up do
    create_table(:artists) do
      primary_key :id
      String :name, :null=>false

  down do
  1. run rake db:migrate
  2. create file app/models/Artist.rb and put the following code:
class Artist < Sequel::Model
  1. create file app/routes/artists.rb and put the following code:
class MyApp
  get '/artists' do
    @artists = Artist.all
    erb :"artists/index"

  post '/artists' do
    @artist = Artist.new
    @artist.name = params[:name]

    redirect '/artists'
  1. create file app/views/artists/index.erb and put the following code:
<h1>List of Artist</h1>
  <% @artists.each do |artist| %>
    <li><%= artist.name %></li>
  <% end %>

<form action="/artists" method="post">
  <%= Rack::Csrf.tag(env) %>
  <input type="text" name="name" />
  1. run the server bundle exec puma
  2. open url localhost:9292/artists
  3. Enjoy! :)