
React onMount and onUnMount hook

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ReactJS Mount and UnMount callback hook.

let ref = useMount({ onMount, onUnmount });
 onMount is an optional callback function,
 onUnmount is an optional callback function.
 The ref is attached to the component where the callbacks should apply.

Usage example

import useMount from '@kunukn/use-mount';

let MyComponent = ({ children }) => {
  let onMount = node => console.log('I mounted this node in the DOM:', node);
  let onUnmount = node => console.log('I unmounted this node from the DOM:', node);
  let ref = useMount({ onMount, onUnmount });
  return <div ref={ref}>{children}</div>;

let App = () => {
  let [isActive, setToggle] = React.useState(false);

  return (
    <div className="App">
      <button onClick={() => setToggle(s => !s)}>toggle</button>
      {isActive && <MyComponent>This is my component</MyComponent>}

