
This is a big data project that targets the real time management of railways using technologies like Kafka,Spark and Machine Learning

Primary LanguagePHP


This is a big data project that targets the real time management of railways using technologies like Kafka,Spark and Machine Learning

Project Links:

  • Live Project (Temporary Hosting, May not remain active forlong time!)



(All the following commands have to be executed on terminal)

STEP-1: Start zookeeper:

$ zkServer.sh start

STEP-2: Start kafka:

$ bin/kafka-server-start.sh config/server.properties

STEP-3: Create kafka topic (only once):

$ bin/kafka-topics.sh --create --zookeeper --partitions 1 --topic twitter --zookeeper localhost:2181 --replication-factor 1

STEP-4: Start kafka-consumer:

$ bin/kafka-console-consumer.sh --zookeeper localhost:2181 --topic twitterstream --from-beginning

STEP-5: Run stream_data.py file to check tweets are coming or not:

$ python kafka_file/stream_data.py

STEP-6: Next step is to run train_model.py file to train our model, it would produce file "IRModel":

$ spark-submit train_model.py

STEP-7: Create database in MySQL as "twitter" and table with schema:

CREATE TABLE tweets (id int AUTO_INCREMENT PRIMARY KEY, tweet varchar(140), username varchar(50), pnr bigint(10), prediction int(1), tweet_id bigint(10), response_status int(1));

STEP-8: Run live_processing.py file to start real-time tweet classification:

$ spark-submit --packages org.apache.spark:spark-streaming-kafka-0-8_2.11:2.1.0 live_processing.py

STEP-9: Finally open php_files/index.php file to interact with UI and manage tweets in real-time.