
Primary LanguageC++GNU Affero General Public License v3.0AGPL-3.0

EVE-Central.com Code Base - AGPL Release

* Introduction *

Welcome to the source code to EVE-Central.com, the oldest and still
the most popular cross region EVE market browser site.

I (Yann) have decided to release the source code behind the site in
order to foster new development activities and allow for community
contributions to the core of the site. I believe in open source
software, and hope this model can be successfully applied to

The license chosen here is nothing unusual, and does not prevent
running the code on another system (should the main EVE-Central servers cease
to exist for whatever reason). The goal is to maintain eve-central.com
as the primary instance for this codebase. If you so choose to run it
on another system, please remember that the code is licensed under the
Affero GPL, REQUIRING you to release the source to users who simply
visit the network service, in addition to retaing all copyright
notices where a web-user will see them. If you have more questions,
see the LICENSE file for details.

EVE-Central.com still deeply respects data privacy of our users. There
are components which will not be made public in the form of database
dumps. For example, market transaction information, user login
information, e-mail addresses, API keys, and corporation website contents. These
all include sensitive personal information.

Not all code is available in the initial dump, nor is the old
historical eve-central.com code available (back when it ran under
mod_python and was even more ghastly). The internal git  repository was
never intended to be a "public" release, and would take a significant
amount of work to correctly filter out any embarassing parts.

Best of luck,
Yann Ramin <atrus@stackworks.net>

* Requirements *

- Python 2.5+ (3.0 not supported)
  - psycopg2
  - psycopg (for some old bath utilities)
  - Pyro (for the pathfinder server
  - numpy (for statistic calculations)
  - CherryPy (primary web server)
- PostgreSQL 8.3+

* High level view of directories *

        - Database schemas

        - CherryPy launcher, web front end classes

        - Utility classes

        - Batch programs which make EVE-Central tick

        - Static HTML files (served by front-end server on the main

        - C++ implementation of a shortest path server, has partial
        local copy of boost in pathfinder_src/boost