
内核 ByteOS

Kernel struct Design

crates --> arch --> modules --> kernel


  • higher half kernel
  • Modular skeleton
  • global allocator
  • RTC device support
  • Timestamp --> actual Date/Time timestamp crate
  • frame allocator, use bit_field to store page usage
  • Interrupt support
  • backtrace support
  • timer interrupt support
  • page mapping support
  • get devices info and memory info from device_tree
  • VIRTIO blk device support
  • Add a banner for os. use tool banner生成工具
  • vfs support, contains Inode
  • fatfs support
  • fs mount support (a temporary solution)
  • ramfs support
  • devfs support
  • async/await support (simple version)
  • process support
  • syscalls syscalls
  • VIRTIO net device support
  • smp support


内含一个简单的 shell, 可以执行 help, ls, clear, exit, brk, run_all 命令或者执行 elf 文件

brk 是执行一个 brk 程序.

make run