Convert between HSLuv and RGB.
HSLuv references:
The Color
type is provided by the new color package from avh4
Note: If you plan to manipulate HSLuv colors, store them with the provided
type and convert them to Color
at the last possible time as the
conversion can be expensive. If you just use HSLuv
as constructor, you may
write an helper like:
color h s l = HSLuv.hsluv360 { hue = h, saturation = s, lightness = l, alpha = 1} |> HSLuv.toColor
-- create an HSLuv color with a Color
c = HSLuv.color myColor
-- create an HSLuv color with components
c = HSLuv.hsluv360 { hue = 150, saturation = 100, lightness = 50, alpha = 1 }
-- turn a color into normalized components
{ red, green, saturation, lightness } = HSLuv.rgba c
-- turn and HSLuv color into a Color
color = HSLuv.toColor c
- Latest version is targeted at elm
. - Version 1.0.1 is the last version compatible with elm