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#actiontech zabbix mysql monitor

percona monitoring plugins zabbix的go语言版本

0. 版本下载使用1.0分支

1. item取值与percona版本差异

使用mysqld端口自动发现相关item(zabbix Low level discovery)

  • innodb_transactions
    取值方法:SHOW /\*!50000 ENGINE*/ INNODB STATUS,可得行Trx id counter 861144,取值861144
  • unpurged_txns:
    取值方法:SHOW /\*!50000 ENGINE*/ INNODB STATUS,可得行Purge done for trx's n:o < 861135 undo n:o < 0,取值861135
  • running_slave,slave_lag:
    取值方法:如果SHOW SLAVE STATUS为空,认为该mysql为master,设置running_slave=1,slave_lag=0;如果SHOW SLAVE STATUS不为空,与percona处理相同,依据slave_io_running及slave_sql_running等具体参数值设置
  • 增加mysqld_port_listen
    取值方法:netstat -ntlp |awk -F '[ ]+|/' '$4~/:port$/{print $8}'其中port为参数传入值
  • 增加query_rt100s、query_rt10s、query_rt1s、query_rt100ms、query_rt10ms、query_rt1ms(默认关闭,设置get_qrt_mysql参数可开启)
    取值方法SELECT 'query_rt100s' as rt, ifnull(sum(COUNT_STAR),0) as cnt FROM performance_schema.events_statements_summary_by_digest WHERE AVG_TIMER_WAIT >= 100000000000000 UNION SELECT 'query_rt10s', ifnull(sum(COUNT_STAR),0) as cnt FROM performance_schema.events_statements_summary_by_digest WHERE AVG_TIMER_WAIT BETWEEN 10000000000000 AND 10000000000000 UNION SELECT 'query_rt1s', ifnull(sum(COUNT_STAR),0) as cnt FROM performance_schema.events_statements_summary_by_digest WHERE AVG_TIMER_WAIT BETWEEN 1000000000000 AND 10000000000000 UNION SELECT 'query_rt100ms', ifnull(sum(COUNT_STAR),0) as cnt FROM performance_schema.events_statements_summary_by_digest WHERE AVG_TIMER_WAIT BETWEEN 100000000000 AND 1000000000000 UNION SELECT 'query_rt10ms', ifnull(sum(COUNT_STAR),0) as cnt FROM performance_schema.events_statements_summary_by_digest WHERE AVG_TIMER_WAIT BETWEEN 10000000000 AND 100000000000 UNION SELECT 'query_rt1ms', ifnull(sum(COUNT_STAR),0) as cnt FROM performance_schema.events_statements_summary_by_digest WHERE AVG_TIMER_WAIT BETWEEN 1000000000 AND 10000000000 UNION SELECT 'query_rt100us', ifnull(sum(COUNT_STAR),0) as cnt FROM performance_schema.events_statements_summary_by_digest WHERE AVG_TIMER_WAIT <= 1000000000
  • 增加query_avgrt(默认关闭,设置get_qrt_mysql参数可开启)
    取值方法:select round(avg(AVG_TIMER_WAIT)/1000/1000/1000,2) as avgrt from performance_schema.events_statements_summary_by_digest
  • spin_rounds
    取值方法:SHOW /\*!50000 ENGINE*/ INNODB STATUS,可得行 Mutex spin waits 2537, rounds 28527, OS waits 789 RW-shared spins 535, rounds 7850, OS waits 251 RW-excl spins 172, rounds 2334, OS waits 62取值spin_rounds = 28527 + 7850 + 2334
    percona取值spin_rounds = 28527,actiontech版本增加RW-shared spins rounds以及RW-excl spin rounds

2. trigger与percona版本差异

  • 增加MySQL {#MYSQLPORT} max_connections less than 4999 on {HOST.NAME}
  • 增加MySQL {#MYSQLPORT} Open_files_limit less than 65534 on {HOST.NAME}
  • 增加MySQL {#MYSQLPORT} port is not in listen state on {HOST.NAME}
  • 增加{#MYSQLPORT} port mysql is down on {HOST.NAME}
  • 删除原有的使用proc num监控的MySQL is down trigger(多实例下结果不正确)
  • 删除原有的mysql active threads more than 40, mysql connections utilization more than 80%, mysql slave lag more than 300的trigger(zabbix 2.4 LLD下的trigger没有depend功能, 删除这些原本依赖depend的trigger以避免错误)

3. 限制

  • 暂不支持mysql ssl连接方式
  • 不完全支持Percona Server or MariaDB
  • 仅支持zabbix2.4.0及以上版本

4. 增加对mysql 5.7支持


mysql 5.6

    Mutex spin waits 2537, rounds 28527, OS waits 789
    RW-shared spins 535, rounds 7850, OS waits 251
    RW-excl spins 172, rounds 2334, OS waits 62
    spin_waits = 2537 + 535 + 172
    spin_rounds = 28527 + 7850 + 2334
    os_waits = 789 + 251 + 62

  • FILE I/O输出
    Pending normal aio reads: 0, aio writes: 0,
    ibuf aio reads: 0, log i/o's: 0, sync i/o's: 0
    pending_normal_aio_reads = 0
    pending_normal_aio_writes = 0
    pending_ibuf_aio_reads = 0
    pending_aio_log_ios = 0
    pending_aio_sync_ios = 0

  • LOG输出
    0 pending log writes, 0 pending chkp writes
    pending_log_writes = 0
    pending_chkp_writes = 0

    Total memory allocated 137363456; in additional pool allocated 0
    total_mem_alloc = 137363456
    additional_pool_alloc = 0

mysql 5.7

  • SEMAPHORES输出(移除Mutex spin,新增RW-sx spins)
    RW-shared spins 500, rounds 132474, OS waits 100787
    RW-excl spins 0, rounds 200953, OS waits 6214
    RW-sx spins 28837, rounds 826250, OS waits 26397
    spin_waits = 500 + 0 + 28837
    spin_rounds = 132474 + 200953 + 826250
    os_waits = 100787 + 6214 + 26397

  • FILE I/O输出(拆分为每个io thread的值)
    Pending normal aio reads: [1, 2, 3, 4] , aio writes: [5, 6, 7, 8] ,
    ibuf aio reads:, log i/o's:, sync i/o's:
    数组全部元素相加, 空值为0
    pending_normal_aio_reads = 1 + 2 + 3 + 4
    pending_normal_aio_writes = 5 + 6 + 7 + 8
    pending_ibuf_aio_reads = 0
    pending_aio_log_ios = 0
    pending_aio_sync_ios = 0

  • LOG输出
    1 pending log flushes, 0 pending chkp writes
    log flushes 与 log writes意义相同,计算方式不变
    pending_log_writes = 1
    pending_chkp_writes = 0

  • BUFFER POOL AND MEMORY输出(移除in additional pool allocated)
    Total large memory allocated 137428992
    total_mem_alloc = 137428992
    additional_pool_alloc = 0


slave_lag: 取多通道中seconds_behind_master的最大值
running_slave: 当所有通道的slave_io_running和slave_sql_running状态为Yes时, runing_slave值为1
relay_log_space: 取所有通道的relay_log_space的和

5. 安装

  1. 安装zabbix-agent
  2. 执行install.sh
    //请检查确保/etc/sudoers中包含#includedir /etc/sudoers.d //install.sh作用仅为拷贝文件至默认路径,可自行调整
  3. 创建采集mysql状态信息的用户
    mysql> grant process,select,replication client on *.* to zbx@’’ identified by 'zabbix';
  4. 拷贝
    cp /var/lib/zabbix/actiontech/templates/userparameter_actiontech_mysql.conf /etc/zabbix/zabbix_agentd.d/
    service zabbix-agent restart
  5. 测试数据采集
    sudo -u zabbix -H /var/lib/zabbix/actiontech/scripts/actiontech_mysql_monitor --host --user zbx --pass zabbix --items max_connections
    sudo -u zabbix -H /var/lib/zabbix/actiontech/scripts/actiontech_mysql_monitor --host --user zbx --pass zabbix --items running_slave
    sudo -u zabbix -H /var/lib/zabbix/actiontech/scripts/actiontech_mysql_monitor --discovery_port true
    sudo -u zabbix -H /var/lib/zabbix/actiontech/scripts/actiontech_mysql_monitor --port 3306 --items mysqld_port_listen
  6. zabbix server导入配置模板actiontech_zabbix_agent_template_percona_mysql_server.xml, 添加主机、模板,开始监控

6. 文件列表

文件名 对应percona版本文件名
actiontech_mysql_monitor ss_get_mysql_stats.php
userparameter_actiontech_mysql.conf userparameter_percona_mysql.conf
actiontech_zabbix_agent_template_percona_mysql_server.xml zabbix_agent_template_percona_mysql_server_ht_2.0.9-sver1.1.5.xml
  • actiontech_mysql_monitor
    备注:二进制可执行文件,可单独使用(actiontech_mysql_monitor --help查看帮助actiontech_mysql_monitor --version查询版本)
  • userparameter_actiontech_mysql.conf
  • actiontech_zabbix_agent_template_percona_mysql_server.xml

7. 所有item及其出处列表

item名 相关出处
Key_read_requests SHOW /*!50002 GLOBAL */ STATUS
Key_reads SHOW /*!50002 GLOBAL */ STATUS
Key_write_requests SHOW /*!50002 GLOBAL */ STATUS
Key_writes SHOW /*!50002 GLOBAL */ STATUS
history_list SHOW /*!50000 ENGINE*/ INNODB STATUS
innodb_transactions SHOW /*!50000 ENGINE*/ INNODB STATUS
read_views SHOW /*!50000 ENGINE*/ INNODB STATUS
current_transactions SHOW /*!50000 ENGINE*/ INNODB STATUS
locked_transactions SHOW /*!50000 ENGINE*/ INNODB STATUS
active_transactions SHOW /*!50000 ENGINE*/ INNODB STATUS
pool_size Innodb_buffer_pool_pages_total or SHOW /*!50000 ENGINE*/ INNODB STATUS
free_pages Innodb_buffer_pool_pages_free or SHOW /*!50000 ENGINE*/ INNODB STATUS
database_pages Innodb_buffer_pool_pages_data or SHOW /*!50000 ENGINE*/ INNODB STATUS
modified_pages Innodb_buffer_pool_pages_dirty or SHOW /*!50000 ENGINE*/ INNODB STATUS
pages_read pages_read or SHOW /*!50000 ENGINE*/ INNODB STATUS
pages_created Innodb_pages_created or SHOW /*!50000 ENGINE*/ INNODB STATUS
pages_written pages_written or SHOW /*!50000 ENGINE*/ INNODB STATUS
file_fsyncs Innodb_data_fsyncs or SHOW /*!50000 ENGINE*/ INNODB STATUS
file_reads SHOW /*!50000 ENGINE*/ INNODB STATUS
file_writes SHOW /*!50000 ENGINE*/ INNODB STATUS
log_writes SHOW /*!50000 ENGINE*/ INNODB STATUS
pending_aio_log_ios SHOW /*!50000 ENGINE*/ INNODB STATUS
pending_aio_sync_ios SHOW /*!50000 ENGINE*/ INNODB STATUS
pending_buf_pool_flushes SHOW /*!50000 ENGINE*/ INNODB STATUS
pending_chkp_writes SHOW /*!50000 ENGINE*/ INNODB STATUS
pending_ibuf_aio_reads SHOW /*!50000 ENGINE*/ INNODB STATUS
pending_log_flushes Innodb_os_log_pending_fsyncs or SHOW /*!50000 ENGINE*/ INNODB STATUS
pending_log_writes SHOW /*!50000 ENGINE*/ INNODB STATUS
pending_normal_aio_reads Innodb_data_pending_reads or SHOW /*!50000 ENGINE*/ INNODB STATUS
pending_normal_aio_writes Innodb_data_pending_writes or SHOW /*!50000 ENGINE*/ INNODB STATUS
ibuf_inserts SHOW /*!50000 ENGINE*/ INNODB STATUS
ibuf_merged SHOW /*!50000 ENGINE*/ INNODB STATUS
ibuf_merges SHOW /*!50000 ENGINE*/ INNODB STATUS
spin_waits SHOW /*!50000 ENGINE*/ INNODB STATUS
spin_rounds SHOW /*!50000 ENGINE*/ INNODB STATUS
os_waits SHOW /*!50000 ENGINE*/ INNODB STATUS
rows_inserted Innodb_rows_inserted or SHOW /*!50000 ENGINE*/ INNODB STATUS
rows_updated Innodb_rows_updated or SHOW /*!50000 ENGINE*/ INNODB STATUS
rows_deleted Innodb_rows_deleted or SHOW /*!50000 ENGINE*/ INNODB STATUS
rows_read Innodb_rows_read or SHOW /*!50000 ENGINE*/ INNODB STATUS
Table_locks_waited SHOW /*!50002 GLOBAL */ STATUS
Table_locks_immediate SHOW /*!50002 GLOBAL */ STATUS
Slow_queries SHOW /*!50002 GLOBAL */ STATUS
Open_files SHOW /*!50002 GLOBAL */ STATUS
Open_tables SHOW /*!50002 GLOBAL */ STATUS
Opened_tables SHOW /*!50002 GLOBAL */ STATUS
innodb_open_files SHOW VARIABLES
open_files_limit SHOW VARIABLES
table_cache SHOW VARIABLES
Aborted_clients SHOW /*!50002 GLOBAL */ STATUS
Aborted_connects SHOW /*!50002 GLOBAL */ STATUS
Max_used_connections SHOW /*!50002 GLOBAL */ STATUS
Slow_launch_threads SHOW /*!50002 GLOBAL */ STATUS
Threads_cached SHOW /*!50002 GLOBAL */ STATUS
Threads_connected SHOW /*!50002 GLOBAL */ STATUS
Threads_created SHOW /*!50002 GLOBAL */ STATUS
Threads_running SHOW /*!50002 GLOBAL */ STATUS
max_connections SHOW VARIABLES
thread_cache_size SHOW VARIABLES
Connections SHOW /*!50002 GLOBAL */ STATUS
slave_running slave_lag or 0
slave_stopped slave_lag or 0
Slave_retried_transactions SHOW /*!50002 GLOBAL */ STATUS
slave_lag SHOW SLAVE STATUS or percona.heartbeat
Slave_open_temp_tables SHOW /*!50002 GLOBAL */ STATUS
Qcache_free_blocks SHOW /*!50002 GLOBAL */ STATUS
Qcache_free_memory SHOW /*!50002 GLOBAL */ STATUS
Qcache_hits SHOW /*!50002 GLOBAL */ STATUS
Qcache_inserts SHOW /*!50002 GLOBAL */ STATUS
Qcache_lowmem_prunes SHOW /*!50002 GLOBAL */ STATUS
Qcache_not_cached SHOW /*!50002 GLOBAL */ STATUS
Qcache_queries_in_cache SHOW /*!50002 GLOBAL */ STATUS
Qcache_total_blocks SHOW /*!50002 GLOBAL */ STATUS
query_cache_size SHOW VARIABLES
Questions SHOW /*!50002 GLOBAL */ STATUS
Com_update SHOW /*!50002 GLOBAL */ STATUS
Com_insert SHOW /*!50002 GLOBAL */ STATUS
Com_select SHOW /*!50002 GLOBAL */ STATUS
Com_delete SHOW /*!50002 GLOBAL */ STATUS
Com_replace SHOW /*!50002 GLOBAL */ STATUS
Com_load SHOW /*!50002 GLOBAL */ STATUS
Com_update_multi SHOW /*!50002 GLOBAL */ STATUS
Com_insert_select SHOW /*!50002 GLOBAL */ STATUS
Com_delete_multi SHOW /*!50002 GLOBAL */ STATUS
Com_replace_select SHOW /*!50002 GLOBAL */ STATUS
Select_full_join SHOW /*!50002 GLOBAL */ STATUS
Select_full_range_join SHOW /*!50002 GLOBAL */ STATUS
Select_range SHOW /*!50002 GLOBAL */ STATUS
Select_range_check SHOW /*!50002 GLOBAL */ STATUS
Select_scan SHOW /*!50002 GLOBAL */ STATUS
Sort_merge_passes SHOW /*!50002 GLOBAL */ STATUS
Sort_range SHOW /*!50002 GLOBAL */ STATUS
Sort_rows SHOW /*!50002 GLOBAL */ STATUS
Sort_scan SHOW /*!50002 GLOBAL */ STATUS
Created_tmp_tables SHOW /*!50002 GLOBAL */ STATUS
Created_tmp_disk_tables SHOW /*!50002 GLOBAL */ STATUS
Created_tmp_files SHOW /*!50002 GLOBAL */ STATUS
Bytes_sent SHOW /*!50002 GLOBAL */ STATUS
Bytes_received SHOW /*!50002 GLOBAL */ STATUS
innodb_log_buffer_size SHOW VARIABLES
unflushed_log log_bytes_written-log_bytes_flushed or innodb_log_buffer_size
log_bytes_flushed SHOW /*!50000 ENGINE*/ INNODB STATUS
log_bytes_written SHOW /*!50000 ENGINE*/ INNODB STATUS
relay_log_space SHOW SLAVE STATUS
binlog_cache_size SHOW VARIABLES
Binlog_cache_disk_use SHOW /*!50002 GLOBAL */ STATUS
Binlog_cache_use SHOW /*!50002 GLOBAL */ STATUS
binary_log_space SHOW MASTER LOGS
innodb_locked_tables SHOW /*!50000 ENGINE*/ INNODB STATUS
innodb_lock_structs SHOW /*!50000 ENGINE*/ INNODB STATUS
State_closing_tables SHOW PROCESSLIST
State_copying_to_tmp_table SHOW PROCESSLIST
State_freeing_items SHOW PROCESSLIST
State_preparing SHOW PROCESSLIST
State_reading_from_net SHOW PROCESSLIST
State_sending_data SHOW PROCESSLIST
State_sorting_result SHOW PROCESSLIST
State_statistics SHOW PROCESSLIST
State_writing_to_net SHOW PROCESSLIST
Handler_commit SHOW /*!50002 GLOBAL */ STATUS
Handler_delete SHOW /*!50002 GLOBAL */ STATUS
Handler_discover SHOW /*!50002 GLOBAL */ STATUS
Handler_prepare SHOW /*!50002 GLOBAL */ STATUS
Handler_read_first SHOW /*!50002 GLOBAL */ STATUS
Handler_read_key SHOW /*!50002 GLOBAL */ STATUS
Handler_read_next SHOW /*!50002 GLOBAL */ STATUS
Handler_read_prev SHOW /*!50002 GLOBAL */ STATUS
Handler_read_rnd SHOW /*!50002 GLOBAL */ STATUS
Handler_read_rnd_next SHOW /*!50002 GLOBAL */ STATUS
Handler_rollback SHOW /*!50002 GLOBAL */ STATUS
Handler_savepoint SHOW /*!50002 GLOBAL */ STATUS
Handler_savepoint_rollback SHOW /*!50002 GLOBAL */ STATUS
Handler_update SHOW /*!50002 GLOBAL */ STATUS
Handler_write SHOW /*!50002 GLOBAL */ STATUS
innodb_tables_in_use SHOW /*!50000 ENGINE*/ INNODB STATUS
innodb_lock_wait_secs SHOW /*!50000 ENGINE*/ INNODB STATUS
hash_index_cells_total SHOW /*!50000 ENGINE*/ INNODB STATUS
hash_index_cells_used SHOW /*!50000 ENGINE*/ INNODB STATUS
total_mem_alloc SHOW /*!50000 ENGINE*/ INNODB STATUS
additional_pool_alloc SHOW /*!50000 ENGINE*/ INNODB STATUS
uncheckpointed_bytes log_bytes_written-last_checkpoint
ibuf_used_cells SHOW /*!50000 ENGINE*/ INNODB STATUS
ibuf_free_cells SHOW /*!50000 ENGINE*/ INNODB STATUS
ibuf_cell_count SHOW /*!50000 ENGINE*/ INNODB STATUS
adaptive_hash_memory SHOW /*!50000 ENGINE*/ INNODB STATUS
page_hash_memory SHOW /*!50000 ENGINE*/ INNODB STATUS
dictionary_cache_memory SHOW /*!50000 ENGINE*/ INNODB STATUS
file_system_memory SHOW /*!50000 ENGINE*/ INNODB STATUS
lock_system_memory SHOW /*!50000 ENGINE*/ INNODB STATUS
recovery_system_memory SHOW /*!50000 ENGINE*/ INNODB STATUS
thread_hash_memory SHOW /*!50000 ENGINE*/ INNODB STATUS
innodb_sem_waits SHOW /*!50000 ENGINE*/ INNODB STATUS
innodb_sem_wait_time_ms SHOW /*!50000 ENGINE*/ INNODB STATUS
Key_buf_bytes_unflushed key_cache_block_size*Key_blocks_not_flushed
Key_buf_bytes_used key_buffer_size-(Key_blocks_unused*key_cache_block_size)
key_buffer_size SHOW VARIABLES
Innodb_row_lock_time SHOW /*!50002 GLOBAL */ STATUS
Innodb_row_lock_waits SHOW /*!50002 GLOBAL */ STATUS
Query_time_count_00 Percona Server or MariaDB
Query_time_count_01 Percona Server or MariaDB
Query_time_count_02 Percona Server or MariaDB
Query_time_count_03 Percona Server or MariaDB
Query_time_count_04 Percona Server or MariaDB
Query_time_count_05 Percona Server or MariaDB
Query_time_count_06 Percona Server or MariaDB
Query_time_count_07 Percona Server or MariaDB
Query_time_count_08 Percona Server or MariaDB
Query_time_count_09 Percona Server or MariaDB
Query_time_count_10 Percona Server or MariaDB
Query_time_count_11 Percona Server or MariaDB
Query_time_count_12 Percona Server or MariaDB
Query_time_count_13 Percona Server or MariaDB
Query_time_total_00 Percona Server or MariaDB
Query_time_total_01 Percona Server or MariaDB
Query_time_total_02 Percona Server or MariaDB
Query_time_total_03 Percona Server or MariaDB
Query_time_total_04 Percona Server or MariaDB
Query_time_total_05 Percona Server or MariaDB
Query_time_total_06 Percona Server or MariaDB
Query_time_total_07 Percona Server or MariaDB
Query_time_total_08 Percona Server or MariaDB
Query_time_total_09 Percona Server or MariaDB
Query_time_total_10 Percona Server or MariaDB
Query_time_total_11 Percona Server or MariaDB
Query_time_total_12 Percona Server or MariaDB
Query_time_total_13 Percona Server or MariaDB
wsrep_replicated_bytes Percona Server or MariaDB
wsrep_received_bytes Percona Server or MariaDB
wsrep_replicated Percona Server or MariaDB
wsrep_received Percona Server or MariaDB
wsrep_local_cert_failures Percona Server or MariaDB
wsrep_local_bf_aborts Percona Server or MariaDB
wsrep_local_send_queue Percona Server or MariaDB
wsrep_local_recv_queue Percona Server or MariaDB
wsrep_cluster_size Percona Server or MariaDB
wsrep_cert_deps_distance Percona Server or MariaDB
wsrep_apply_window Percona Server or MariaDB
wsrep_commit_window Percona Server or MariaDB
wsrep_flow_control_paused Percona Server or MariaDB
wsrep_flow_control_sent Percona Server or MariaDB
wsrep_flow_control_recv Percona Server or MariaDB
pool_reads Innodb_buffer_pool_reads
pool_read_requests Innodb_buffer_pool_read_requests
running_slave SHOW SLAVE STATUS
mysqld_port_listen netstat -ntlp
query_rt100s performance_schema.events_statements_summary_by_digest
query_rt10s performance_schema.events_statements_summary_by_digest
query_rt1s performance_schema.events_statements_summary_by_digest
query_rt100ms performance_schema.events_statements_summary_by_digest
query_rt10ms performance_schema.events_statements_summary_by_digest
query_rt1ms performance_schema.events_statements_summary_by_digest
query_avgrt performance_schema.events_statements_summary_by_digest

8. trigger列表


trigger名 触发器表达式
MySQL is down on {HOST.NAME} {proc.num[mysqld].last(0)}=0
MySQL {#MYSQLPORT} connections utilization more than 95% on {HOST.NAME} {Actiontech MySQL Server Template:MySQL.[{#MYSQLPORT},Threads_connected].last(0)}/{Actiontech MySQL Server Template:MySQL.[{#MYSQLPORT},max_connections].last(0)}>0.95
MySQL {#MYSQLPORT} active threads more than 100 on {HOST.NAME} {Actiontech MySQL Server Template:MySQL.[{#MYSQLPORT},Threads_running].last(0)}>100
MySQL {#MYSQLPORT} slave lag more than 600 on {HOST.NAME} {Actiontech MySQL Server Template:MySQL.[{#MYSQLPORT},slave_lag].last(0)}>600
Slave {#MYSQLPORT} is stopped on {HOST.NAME} {Actiontech MySQL Server Template:MySQL.[{#MYSQLPORT},running_slave].last(0)}=0
MySQL {#MYSQLPORT} max_connections less than 4999 on {HOST.NAME} {Actiontech MySQL Server Template:MySQL.[{#MYSQLPORT},max_connections].last(0)}<4999
MySQL {#MYSQLPORT} Open_files_limit less than 65534 on {HOST.NAME} {Actiontech MySQL Server Template:MySQL.[{#MYSQLPORT},open_files_limit].last(0)}<65534
MySQL {#MYSQLPORT} port is not in listen state on {HOST.NAME} {Actiontech MySQL Server Template:net.tcp.listen[{#MYSQLPORT}].last(0)}=0
{#MYSQLPORT} port is not mysqld on {HOST.NAME} {Actiontech MySQL Server Template:MySQL.[{#MYSQLPORT},mysqld_port_listen].last(0)}=0

9. issues

  • 欢迎在issues中提出任何使用问题