
Examples of flaws in Java's dependency management mechanisms

Primary LanguageGroovy

Dependencies Changing over Time

This directory contains a series of directories that represents the evolving state of a small set of modules, A, B, and C, where the dependency graph looks like this:

Each stage marks a time when a new version of one or more of the modules has been released. Each stage directory contains an image of the dependency tree that includes versions specific to that stage. In later stages (stage2/ and stage3), version conflicts arrise. These conflicts are either manifested as a runtime exception or a compile time exception, depending on the build tool used (either Maven or Gradle in this example) and how the build is configured.

Each stage depends on the build output previous stages (irrespective of build tool). Module C contains a class with a main method, and each build tool is configured to run it on command, as described below.

Building with Maven (3.2.1)

To build and run, start in stage*/ and follow these steps:

$ mvn install
$ cd C

Next, to run the example,

$ mvn package appassembler:assemble
maven/stage1/C$ ./target/appassembler/bin/C

For stages 2 and 3, running C should cause runtime exceptions.

Building with Gradle (1.12)

To build and run, start in stage*/ and follow these steps:

In the A/ and B/ directories (when they're present) run:

$ gradle pTML

Note that pTML is short for publishToMavenLocal.

Go to the C/ directory and run the C#main by typing

$ gradle run

For stages 2 and 3, the build should fail.