

Primary LanguageC++OtherNOASSERTION

        = = 3hs = =

Blobfrii 3ds client for erista's hShop.
3hs is licensed under GPLv3 (see: LICENSE).
Also included is a copy of the "file_forwarder" project, which is the source
for the applications labelled as "installer" on the hShop website. It is also subject to the GPLv3.
There are 2 official distributions of this code, one is on the hShop website (main source), another
is hosted on github (mirror source), at https://github.com/MyPasswordIsWeak/3hs.

  = = Special thanks to = =

The developers of nlohmann::json (license MIT, see: LICENSE.nlohann-json.TXT), of which their library is bundled,
Ghost, who made me rethink some obfuscation,
everyone in the hShop discord channel, for giving me motivation by insisting a 3ds client is too hard to make,
Coin, for his inspiring lua hShop client,
and Cremè, for making some nice art.

      = = Building = =

 - mbedtls (for nnc, which is bundled)
 - perl (to generate the language file)
 - devkitarm
 - libctru
 - citro2d
 - citro3d

Additional requirements for a CIA build:
 - bannertool
 - 3dstool
 - makerom

Run `make` for a debug build and `make RELEASE=1 cia` for a release cia build.

Other variables used in the building process:
 - VERSION=version-int
 - DEVICE_ID=device-id-int
 - HS_DEBUG_SERVER="debug-server"
 - HS_UPDATE_BASE="update-url"
 - HS_BASE_LOC="api-url"
 - HS_CDN_BASE="cdn-url"
 - HS_SITE_LOC="hsite-url"

To successfully build you need

You may also need a file called 'hscert.der', which is a DER certificate to be used for https connections
 - If this feature is used you need the runtime dependency xxd too.

Additionally you need a file called source/hsapi_auth.c with the following contents
 #include <string.h>
 const char *hsapi_user = "<api-user>";
 const int hsapi_password_length = <password-length-int>;
 void hsapi_password(char *ret) { memcpy(ret, "<api-password>", hsapi_password_length); }

    = = Developement = =

3hs is written in a mix of C and C++, additionally Perl and POSIX shell are used for minor scripting.
Development is mainly done by the hShop team, however you may send patches either via e-mail or via the
official hShop Discord server. Github is not used for development, it is just a mirror of the source tree.
Here is an explication of important directories and their contents:

  3hstool/               contains the source for "3hstool", a tool to create files of various formats used in 3hs
    default_data/        contains the data for the default light and dark themes
  3rd/                   contains 3rd party code
  cia_stuff/             contains all meta files required to build the .cia
  source/, include/      source code
    hlink/               incomplete implementation of the hLink server (to be redone)
    audio/               3hs audio subsystem (C code)
    ui/                  contains most code relating to the GUI
    widgets/             contains various miscellaneous widgets for the GUI
  data/, romfs/          miscellaneous 3hs runtime files
  supplement_font/       contains everything required to build the supplementary font 3hs uses
  gfx/                   some hardcoded images not overridable with the theme system
  lang/                  files for the translation framework and the script to compile it
  file_forwarder/        the source for the various "file forwarder" applications found on hShop
  doc/                   symlink to a directory that contains (html) documentation for various 3hs related things

If you need any help understanding the 3hs codebase feel free to e-mail your questions or to send a message
in the official hShop discord server.