
HTTP ping (hPING) CLI with Node.js that sends HEAD or GET or POST requests to web or api servers to check if they alive

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

hPING (HTTP ping)

Node.js CLI sends HTTP HEAD or GET or POST requests to any web or api servers.

hPING is the fastest and easiest way to check or quickly monitor http servers availability.


The latest hPING version is installable via NPM:

$ npm install hping -g

If the above fails, try this:

$ npm install git://github.com/kurdin/hping#master -g


$ git clone https://github.com/kurdin/hping
$ cd hping 
$ npm install 
$ npm link 


hPING single server www.google.com:

$ hping www.google.com 

hPING server www.google.com with 10 seconds interval:

$ hping www.google.com -i 10 

hPING single server with GET method:

$ hping get www.google.com

hPING multiple servers www.google.com and www.apple.com and www.microsoft.com):

$ hping www.google.com www.apple.com www.microsoft.com

hPING group of servers from config file (default config: ~/.hping/hping.conf.yaml):

$ hping "apple production"

hPING can mix group of servers and separate hosts with single command:

$ hping "apple production" www.github.com


hPING default settings, default ~/.hping/hping.conf.yaml:

interval: 1 # (seconds) interval between hPING requests
type: HEAD # (type or requests): HEAD, GET, POST, PUT
timeout: 5000 # (milliseconds) request connection timeout
use_colors: true # (true || false), use colors for hPING output
show_stats_for_last: 100 # (number of requests) show hPING statistics for last X number of requests, set 0 to disable
max_run_time: 600 # (seconds) hPING maximum running time, set 0 to disable

log_status_change: false # (true || false) if true, hPING will log status changes to log file
log_file: logs/hping.log # (path) to hPING log file, default path in users home .hping folder
log_stats_on_exit: true # (true || false) if true, hPING will log statistics to file on exit

display_in_output: # use true || fasle to turn on/off log output sections
  status: true 
  url: true
  ip: true
  type: false
  status_code: true
  status_info: true
  server: true
  content_length: false
  response_time: true

Show hPING server groups from config file, default ~/.hping/hping.conf.yaml:

$ hping servers
 "microsoft live": 
 "apple production": 

Display hPING current settings:

$ hping settings

hPING server www.goolge.com and use settings from config file /etc/hping.conf.yaml:

$ hping www.google.com -c /etc/hping.conf.yaml 


hPING quick usage help:

$ hping 
usage: hping [head|get|post] [http(s)://]www.webserver.com[:port] [another host] [server group]

hPING full help:

$ hping -h
  Usage: hping [head|get|post] [http(s)://]www.webserver.com[:port] [another host] [server group]


       Show server groups information from config file
       Show hPING settings from config file
       Sends HTTP GET requests to web or api server (set default in ~/.hping/hping.conf.yaml)
       Sends HTTP POST requests to web or api server (set default in ~/.hping/hping.conf.yaml)
       Sends HTTP HEAD requests to web or api server (set default in ~/.hping/hping.conf.yaml)


    -h, --help                                   output usage information
    -V, --version                                output the version number
    -c, --config [~/.hping/hping.conf.yaml]  hping config file in YAML format
    -i, --interval [1] 

Log to file

You can setup hPING to log status change to separate log file. Default log file is located in ~/.hping/logs folder, you can change it with log_file option.

To enable log output, you need to edit ~/.hping/hping.conf.yaml config file and set: log_status_change : true

Also, you can make hPING to output statistics to log file with option log_stats_on_exit : true

##License The MIT License (MIT) Copyright (c) 2014 Sergey Kurdin