
A terminal utilty for recording raw audio with a circular prerecord buffer

Primary LanguageRustMIT LicenseMIT


A terminal utilty for recording raw audio with a circular prerecord buffer.


cbuffer [-b [BITRATE]] [SECONDS]

    -b, --bitrate <BITRATE> [default: 1411200]
    -h, --help              Print help information
    -V, --version           Print version information


rust/cargo 1.60.0  
pulseaudio (optional)


Buffers stdin for specified number of seconds and starts writing to stdout when a key is pressed. q or ctrl-c will stop the program, any other key will toggle between recording and buffering. Specify the bitrate so the program can determine how much data constitutes a full second (default is for 16-bit 44.1k 2ch audio).

You could theoretically use this program to record other types of lossless, headerless data in the same manner.


crecord [-hf] [-b buffer_seconds] [-s pulse_sink] filename

Included is a bash script crecord which will read from a specified pulseaudio sink using SoX and write to a file. -b specifies buffer size in seconds, -s specifies pulse source, -f forces overwrite of an existing file.


make install

This will install both cbuffer and the crecord script into $PREFIX/bin.


bit rate = sample rate * bit depth * channels

Record raw samples using arecord and redirect to file:

arecord -traw -c2 -fS16_LE -r44100 - | cbuffer -b 1411200 > test.raw

Play back using aplay with same arguments:

aplay -traw -c2 -fS16_LE -r44100 test.raw

Or use something like SoX to insert a WAV header:

sox -q -t pulseaudio default.monitor -t raw -L -esigned-integer -r44100 -b16 -c2 - | \
    cbuffer -b 1411200 5 | \
    sox -t raw -L -esigned-integer -r44100 -b16 -c2 - test.wav