
A modern, modular vim mode for Haxe.

Primary LanguageVim Script


Vaxe is a vim bundle for [Haxe][https://haxe.org/] and [Hss][https://github.com/ncannasse/hss]. It provides support for syntax highlighting, indenting, compiling, and many more options. Vaxe has vimdoc, accessible using :help vaxe within vim.

Vaxe is designed to work with very recent versions of vim and neovim. In general, make sure that your vim runtime supports asynchronous I/O, virtual text, and floating windows. Also make sure that you are using updated plugins and colorschemes.

This page will describe some of the special or optional features that vaxe supports, in addition to recommended configuration settings.

Install with vim-plug

Add vaxe to your plugin list in .vimrc and re-source it:

call plug#begin('~/.vim/plugged')

Plug 'jdonaldson/vaxe', {'branch' : 'neovaxe', 'do' : 'sh install.sh'}

" add coc.nvim and recommended extensions
Plug 'neoclide/coc.nvim'
    let g:coc_global_extensions = ['coc-snippets']

"add snippets and add additional directories for vaxe snippets
Plug 'SirVer/ultisnips'
    let g:UltiSnipsSnippetDirectories=["UltiSnips", "bundle/UltiSnips/UltiSnips"]

call plug#end()

Compiling Haxe Projects with vaxe

HXML File Support

Vaxe will automatically try to determine the appropriate hxml file you are using. It will also let you easily override this with a specific file (see vim docs for more details).

If vaxe has found your build file, you can just run the make command:


Vaxe will also specify an errorfmt so that errors and trace messages show up in the quickfix window.

Lime Project Support

Vaxe supports [Lime][https://github.com/openfl/lime] workflows. If a Lime project is found, Vaxe will use it for builds and completions. You can specify a default target if you only work with one platform.

HSS Support

Vaxe will also support the [hss][https://github.com/ncannasse/hss] preprocessor, with support for syntax highlighting, and compilation to css.

Recommended Plugins/Additions/Config

Vaxe will work fine on its own, but it is designed to integrate cleanly with a number of other bundles and plugins. Once again, it is recommended to use pathogen, vundle, or vam to manage installation and updates.

Colorscheme - gruvbox

Vim and Neovim have additional features (e.g. pmenu, floating/virtual text) that may produce jarring color combinations on older colorschemes. It is recommended to use a colorscheme that handles these new features. The screenshots here use a color scheme called gruvbox by morhetz.

Completions - Coc.nvim

Coc.nvim ([by neoclide][https://github.com/neoclide/coc.nvim]) is a full featured intellisense engine. Vaxe will detect and automatically configure Coc.nvim if it detects it running on startup.

Coc.nvim is a very complex plugin that has extensive options. Please read the documentation thoroughly.

Status Bar - Airline

Airline ( [by Bailey Ling][https://github.com/vim-airline/vim-airline]) is a handy status line replacement. I think it looks better, and provides a good deal more functionality over a normal status line setting. Airline support is provided by default in vaxe. Current support enables the display of the current hxml build file. The hxml name has an empty star if it's in default mode (☆ ), and a filled star if it's in project mode (★ ). You can disable all of this by changing g:vaxe_enable_airline to 0.