This guide explains the whole process in order to obtain Root access on the Speeder Pad, to configure it correctly with official Klipper builds and optimized printer settings.
By default, FLSUN does not use builds from official GitHub repositories. Updates point to Gitee repositories which are very slow, sometimes inaccessible and not updated. In addition, during Delta Calibration, tower angles and delta radius are never recalculated in their Klipper build, which can cause several issues.
This settings are compatible with FLSUN Speeder Pad.
- Useful and automated macros with notifications to KlipperScreen
- Improved configurations
- Configurations for many ADXL
- And more...
Before using Klipper please read this documentations:
- Klipper (Operating System):
- Moonraker (API Web Server):
- Mainsail (Web Interface):
- KlipperScreen (Screen Interface):
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Guide is now available here: