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Latest updates of this project
#77 opened by k1r8r0wn - 0
Chapter 5 Authentication Rails 5.2
#92 opened by scope2229 - 0
Chapter 6 ActionController::UrlGenerationError:
#91 opened by tee - 1
Chapter 6.2.6: ActionController::UrlGenerationError: No route matches {:action=>"destroy", :controller=>"api/v1/products" ...
#90 opened by ruta0 - 1
I have been getting a 404 for the same request which is successful on another POSTMAN.
#89 opened by AVGH - 3
Chapter 6.1.3 Dependency Destroy Factory
#88 opened by fabOnReact - 7
3.2.1 Routing error
#64 opened by ninjabunny-dev - 14
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500 error when user not exist
#85 opened by DevArenaCN - 5
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Chapter 6 should_not be_published
#72 opened by tfrascari77 - 1
Listing: 6.5: Failure/Error: @user.destroy
#71 opened by rohitgoyal - 7
Chapter 6 - Included Controller code in Spec
#47 opened by ACPK - 3
Listing 5.12
#83 opened by gamalielhere - 4
user controller spec error testing
#55 opened by GHolmes04 - 6
Rspec test failing in Rails 5
#81 opened by idrissd - 1
json render format; chapter 7
#79 opened by peco8 - 3
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5.4 current_user is nil
#69 opened by nrosella - 1
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Filter chain halted as :authenticate_with_token! rendered or redirected Completed 401 Unauthorized
#80 opened by Orinameh - 0
Found an error in the beginning of Chapter 8.1
#76 opened by peng90 - 1
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Suggestion: New version of book – let users test their end points more often
#59 opened by SpacyRicochet - 0
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No route matches [POST] "/sessions"
#67 opened by nikunj0407 - 10
Hitting endpoints w/ curl
#66 opened by TravisSiebenhaar - 5
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Chapter 2: Rspec
#63 opened by ninjabunny-dev - 0
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How to access API from another device?
#57 opened by shesko - 7
respond_with error
#43 opened by erikjenks - 2
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Chapter 2: Tests never fail
#53 opened by bcbroom - 2
accessing the api
#52 opened by jnewman12 - 1
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Don't set the user_id manually
#46 opened by ACPK - 4
Add a ReadMe to the gem.
#45 opened by ACPK - 1
Use SSL for sabisu-rails
#44 opened by ACPK - 1
Stuck at the end of ch3
#42 opened by sohyeonlee - 2