
XML Processing tools for Freemind

Primary LanguagePythonMozilla Public License 2.0MPL-2.0

XML Processing Tools for FreeMind

this product includes 2 program.

  • fmmulti.py: convert freemind xml to markdown
  • fmmulti.py: re-structure freemind xml
  • md2fm.py: convert markdown to freemind xml

How to use?

requirements to a document

  • write down requirements to freemind nodes.
  • append doc attributes to nodes.
  • run fmmulti.py -m doc file to convert document structure.

documents to requirements

  • write down a document in markdown.
  • run md2fm to convert to a freemind-xml.
  • edit freemind nodes as you want, to realize/sort requirement terms.
... freemind to UML (???, underconstruction)
- T.B.D


  • python3 with zipfile support
    (some linux distros do not include zipfile support at default.)

How to use

$ git clone https://github.com/kuri65536/fmmulti.git
$ cd fmmulti
$ python3 fmmulti.py sample.mm -m doc -o sample-d.mm


  • ???: convert to uml
  • link 1-node:N-nodes for test planning.
  • o make a freemind plugin.
  • ??? link nodes from attributes.
  • o convert freemind to markdown.
  • o freemind: save an original structure to output's attributes.
  • o markdown: save an original structure to output's attributes. (as doc )
  • o convert markdown to freemind.

Development Environment

term description
OS Lubuntu 18.04
tool python 3.6.8


see the top of source code, it is MPL2.0.


markdown to freemind

Releases and Plans

version description
2.0.0 (under construction) convert freemind to UML
0.6.1 (under construction) improve node scripts to show GUI messages
0.6.0 o freemind plugin as an node script
0.5.0 o convert freemind to markdown
0.4.1 (under construction) tool to convert backup attributes to several attributes
0.4.0 o save original structure in backup attributes
0.3.0 o restruct freemind by doc attributes
0.2.0 o convert markdown to freemind format
0.1.0 o start to debug


If you are feel to nice for this software, please donation to my

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  • or librapay, I'm glad from smaller (about $1)