
Caching library with driver abstraction

Primary LanguagePHPMIT LicenseMIT


Caching library with driver abstraction.

  • entry operations: has, add, set, get, delete
  • multiple-entry operations: getting, setting, adding, deleting
  • listing, filtering, cleanup (requires driver support)
  • TTL expiration
  • key prefixing / namespacing
  • stored and retrieved values can be manipulated via events
  • PSR-6 cache adapter
  • PSR-16 simple cache wrapper
  • multiple built-in driver implementations
  • PHP 7.1+
Driver Multi-read Multi-write Multi-delete Filterable Manual cleanup Required extension
FilesystemDriver no no no yes yes none
ApcuDriver yes yes yes yes no APCu
MemcachedDriver yes partial yes no no Memcached
RedisDriver yes yes yes yes no PhpRedis
MemoryDriver yes yes yes yes yes none
BlackHoleDriver no no no yes no none


The cache will emulate multi-read/write/delete if the driver doesn't support it natively.

Store cache entries in the given directory as binary files.


use Kuria\Cache\Cache;
use Kuria\Cache\Driver\Filesystem\FilesystemDriver;

$driver = new FilesystemDriver(__DIR__ . '/cache');
$cache = new Cache($driver);


If needed, $cache->cleanup() may to be called to physically remove expired entries from the filesystem. This is best done periodically via CRON or a similar mechanism.

Storing cache entries as PHP files

It may be beneficial to store cache entries as actual PHP files (instead of binary ones), so that they may be picked up by opcode caches (e.g. opcache) to increase performance.


use Kuria\Cache\Cache;
use Kuria\Cache\Driver\Filesystem\Entry\File\PhpFileFormat;
use Kuria\Cache\Driver\Filesystem\FilesystemDriver;

$driver = new FilesystemDriver(
    __DIR__ . '/cache',
    FilesystemDriver::createEntryFactory(new PhpFileFormat())

$cache = new Cache($driver);


When caching large amounts of data this way, make sure the opcode cache is configured appropriately.

For opcache, the most relevant settings are opcache.memory_consumption and opcache.max_accelerated_files.


To take full advantage of opcode caching, PhpFileFormat uses var_export() instead of serialize(). Objects can be stored in the cache only if they implement the __set_state() method.

Store cache entries using APCu.


use Kuria\Cache\Cache;
use Kuria\Cache\Driver\Apcu\ApcuDriver;

$cache = new Cache(new ApcuDriver());

Store cache entries using Memcached.


use Kuria\Cache\Cache;
use Kuria\Cache\Driver\Memcached\MemcachedDriver;

$memcached = new \Memcached();
$memcached->addServer('localhost', 11211);

$cache = new Cache(new MemcachedDriver($memcached));

Store cache entries using PhpRedis.


use Kuria\Cache\Cache;
use Kuria\Cache\Driver\Redis\RedisDriver;

$redis = new \Redis();
$redis->connect('localhost', 6380); // might return FALSE..

$cache = new Cache(new RedisDriver($redis));

Store cache entries in memory.

These entries are only available for the duration of the script and aren't shared between threads.


use Kuria\Cache\Cache;
use Kuria\Cache\Driver\Memory\MemoryDriver;

$cache = new Cache(new MemoryDriver());


Expired entries aren't purged from memory until an attempt to access them is made. $cache->cleanup() may be called to purge all expired entries immediately.

Stored entries are discarded immediately. Useful for testing or debugging.


use Kuria\Cache\Cache;
use Kuria\Cache\Driver\BlackHole\BlackHoleDriver;

$cache = new Cache(new BlackHoleDriver());

The setPefix() method defines a prefix that will be applied to all keys before they are passed to the underlying driver implementation.

The prefix can be an empty string to disable this functionality.



The getNamespace() method returns a cache instance that applies a prefix to all keys before passing them to the original cache.


$fooCache = $cache->getNamespace('foo.');

$fooCache->get('bar'); // reads foo.bar
$fooCache->delete('baz'); // deletes foo.baz
$fooCache->clear(); // deletes foo.* (if the cache is filterable)
// etc.

The has() method returns TRUE or FALSE indicating whether the entry exists or not.


if ($cache->has('key')) {
    echo 'Entry exist';
} else {
    echo 'Entry does not exist';


Beware of a possible race-condition between calls to has() and get().

If possible, only call get() and check for a NULL result or use its $exists argument.

The get() method returns the stored value or NULL if the entry does not exist.


$value = $cache->get('key');

If you need to distinguish between a NULL value and a nonexistent entry, use the $exists argument:


$value = $cache->get('key', $exists);

if ($exists) {
    // entry was found
    // $value might be NULL if NULL was stored
} else {
    // entry was not found

The getMultiple() method returns a key-value map. Nonexistent keys will have a NULL value.


$values = $cache->getMultiple(['foo', 'bar', 'baz']);

If you need to distinguish between NULL values and a nonexistent entries, use the $failedKeys argument:


$values = $cache->getMultiple(['foo', 'bar', 'baz'], $failedKeys);

// $failedKeys will contain a list of keys that were not found

The listKeys() method will return an iterable list of keys in the cache, optionally matching a common prefix.

If the driver doesn't support this operation, an UnsupportedOperationException exception will be thrown. You can check support using the isFilterable() method.


if ($cache->isFilterable()) {
    // list all keys
    foreach ($cache->listKeys() as $key) {
        echo "{$key}\n";

    // list keys beginning with foo_
    foreach ($cache->listKeys('foo_') as $key) {
        echo "{$key}\n";

The getIterator() method will return an iterator for all keys and values in the cache. This is a part of the IteratorAggregate interface.

If the driver doesn't support this operation, an UnsupportedOperationException exception will be thrown. You can check support using the isFilterable() method.

Listing all keys and values:


foreach ($cache as $key => $value) {
    echo $key, ': ';

Listing keys and values matching a prefix:


foreach ($cache->getIterator('foo_') as $key => $value) {
    echo $key, ': ';

The add() and set() methods both create an entry in the cache.

The set() method will overwrite an existing entry, but add() will not.

See Allowed value types.


$cache->add('foo', 'foo-value');

$cache->set('bar', 'bar-value');

TTL (time-to-live in seconds) can be specified using the third argument:


$cache->set('foo', 'foo-value', 60);

$cache->add('bar', 'bar-value', 120);

If TTL is NULL, 0 or negative, the entry will not have an expiration time.

The addMultiple() and setMultiple() methods both create multiple entries in the cache.

The setMultiple() method will overwrite any existing entries with the same keys, but addMultiple() will not.

See Allowed value types.


$cache->addMultiple(['foo' => 'foo-value', 'bar' => 'bar-value']);

$cache->setMultiple(['foo' => 'foo-value', 'bar' => 'bar-value']);

TTL (time-to-live in seconds) can be specified using the second argument:


$cache->addMultiple(['foo' => 'foo-value', 'bar' => 'bar-value'], 60);

$cache->setMultiple(['foo' => 'foo-value', 'bar' => 'bar-value'], 120);

If TTL is NULL, 0 or negative, the entries will not have expiration times.

The cached() method tries to read a value from the cache. If it does not exist, it invokes the given callback and caches its return value (even if it is NULL).


$value = $cache->cached('key', 60, function () {
    // some expensive operation
    $result = 123;

    return $result;

The delete() method deletes a single entry from the cache.


if ($cache->delete('key')) {
    echo 'Entry deleted';

The deleteMultiple() method deletes multiple entries from the cache.


if ($cache->deleteMultiple(['foo', 'bar', 'baz'])) {
    echo 'All entries deleted';
} else {
    echo 'One or more entries could not be deleted';

The filter() method deletes all entries that match the given prefix.

If the driver doesn't support this operation, an UnsupportedOperationException exception will be thrown. You can check support using the isFilterable() method.


if ($cache->isFilterable()) {

The clear() method deletes all entries.

If a cache prefix is set and the cache is filterable, only entries matching that prefix will be cleared.



Some cache drivers (e.g. FilesystemDriver) support explicit triggering of the cleanup procedures (removal of expired entries etc).

If the driver doesn't support this operation, an UnsupportedOperationException exception will be thrown. You can check support using the supportsCleanup() method.


if ($cache->supportsCleanup()) {

All types except for the resource type can be stored in the cache.

Most drivers use standard object serialization.

Emitted when an entry has been read.

The listener is passed the key and value.


use Kuria\Cache\CacheEvents;

$cache->on(CacheEvents::HIT, function (string $key, $value) {
        "Read key %s from the cache, the value is %s\n",
        var_export($value, true)

Emitted when an entry has not been found.

The listener is passed the key.


use Kuria\Cache\CacheEvents;

$cache->on(CacheEvents::MISS, function (string $key) {
    echo "The key {$key} was not found in the cache\n";

Emitted when an entry is about to be written.

The listener is passed the key, value, TTL and overwrite flag.


use Kuria\Cache\CacheEvents;

$cache->on(CacheEvents::WRITE, function (string $key, $value, ?int $ttl, bool $overwrite) {
        "Writing key %s to the cache, with TTL = %s, overwrite = %s and value = %s\n",
        var_export($ttl, true),
        var_export($overwrite, true),
        var_export($value, true)

Emitted when the underlying driver implementation throws an exception.

The listener is passed the exception object. This can be used for debugging or logging purposes.


use Kuria\Cache\CacheEvents;

$cache->on(CacheEvents::DRIVER_EXCEPTION, function (\Throwable $e) {
    echo 'Driver exception: ', $e;

The CacheItemPool class is an adapter implementing the Psr\Cache\CacheItemPoolInterface.

To use it, you need to have psr/cache (^1.0) installed.

See http://www.php-fig.org/psr/psr-6/ for more information.


use Kuria\Cache\Psr\CacheItemPool;

$pool = new CacheItemPool($cache);

Also see Creating a cache instance.


Count-based auto-commit is supported. Use setAutoCommitCount() to enable it.

The SimpleCache class is a wrapper implementing the Psr\SimpleCache\CacheInterface.

To use it, you need to have psr/simple-cache (^1.0) installed.

See http://www.php-fig.org/psr/psr-16/ for more information.


use Kuria\Cache\Psr\SimpleCache;

$simpleCache = new SimpleCache($cache);

Also see Creating a cache instance.