- learn something new everyday
- What I cannot create, I do not understand
Buisness Domain knowledge
- Getting started - https://redash.io/help/user-guide/getting-started
- Setup - https://redash.io/help/open-source/setup
- Other source - https://fitdevops.in/how-to-setup-redash-dashboard-on-ubuntu/
- Watch Redash youtube videos
- Create Redash titanic example
- Create redash application
- Redash MongoDB page
- Read complete redash user guide
- Querying
- Visualisation
- Dashboard
- Alerts
- User, groups and permissions
- Data sources and querying
Mongo DB basics
- Crash course with mongodb
- Mongo DB introduction
- Structure your data for MongoDB
- Mongodb aggregation
- Mongo db documents, datasets
- https://www.analyticsvidhya.com/blog/2020/07/8-sql-techniques-data-analysis-analytics-data-science/
- Intro to Kaggle SQL course
- Getting started
- Select, from , where
- Groupby, Having, count
- order by
- as and with
- joining data
- Advanced Kaggle SQL course
- Join and unions
- Analytic functions
- Nested and repeated data
- Write efficient queries
Software Engineering
- how-docker-can-help-you-become-a-more-effective-data-scientist
- Docker in action notes
- docker container deletion
Removes every image/volume/conatiners ---> docker system prune -a, system prune volume
and to remove only one ---> docker rm ID_or_Name ID_or_Name```
sudo docker-compose down --rmi all
- Docker-compose 101
- Docker networks
Research Papers
- GPT-2 Language models are unsupervised learners
- GPT 3- Language models are few shot learners
- Seq2SQL paper
- Bert based Sentiment analysis & key-entity recognition
- Extracting sentiment attitudes from Analytical Text
Online Course
CS 229 ML course - Andrew NG https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jGwO_UgTS7I&list=PLoROMvodv4rMiGQp3WXShtMGgzqpfVfbU
- Lesson 14: Expectation maximisation theoreum ```
- 15: EM Algorithm and factor analysis
- 16: Independent Component Analysis
- 17. MDPs and Value Policy iteration
- 18. Continuos State MDP and model simulation
- 19. Reward model and linear dynamic system
- 20. RL Debugging and diagnostics
Full Stack Deep learning course
- Setting up ML Projects
- Overview
- Lifecycle
- Prioritizing
- Archetypes
- Metrics
- Baselines
- Setting up ML Projects
FastAI(Practical course for beginners) - 2020
Approaching almost any machine learning problems
Approaching Categorical variables
Feature Engineering
Feature selection
Approaching almost any CV problem
Approaching almost any NLP problem
Approaching ensembling and stacking
Approaching reproducible code & model serving
Hyperparameter optimization
Arranging ML projects
- To grandmaster validation strategy & journey
- Talks # 10: Tanishq Abraham; What are CycleGANs? (a novel deep learning tool in pathology)
- Becoming hireable as a datascientist 2022 - Ajinkya Kohli
- SPACY'S ENTITY RECOGNITION MODEL: incremental parsing with Bloom embeddings & residual CNNs
- Art for Tensorflow by Margaret