User Story Format -

As a , So that , I'd like .

User Story - 1 `As a user, So that I can find a particular page, I'd like to be able to view a list of all my bookmarks.``

Objects | Messages bookmark | list_all_bookmarks

User Story - 2

As a time-pressed user So that I can save a website I would like to add the site's address and title to bookmark manager

Objects | Messages bookmark | add_bookmarks

User Story - 3


Database Set-up:bookmark_manager 1 - Connect to psql 2 - Create the database using the psql command CREATE DATABASE bookmark_manager; 3 - Connect to the database using the pqsl command \c bookmark_manager; 4 - Run the query we have saved in the file 01_create_bookmarks_table.sql

Test Database Set-up: bookmark_manager_test 1 - Connect to psql 2 - Create the database using the psql command CREATE DATABASE bookmark_manager; 3 - Connect to the database using the pqsl command \c bookmark_manager; 4 - Run the query we have saved in the file 01_create_bookmarks_table.sql