ONES Scheduler for SC'21 AD/AE

We present a prototype of ONES, which is implemented with RPyC and PyTorch.



  1. TACC Frontera RTX Nodes.
  2. CUDA requirements:
    CUDA == 10.1
    cuDNN >= 7.6.3
    NCCL >= 2.4.8
  3. Download the v1.1.1 repository.
    $  git clone
  4. Setup the virtual environment by runnning scripts/ The following libraries will be installed.
    python == 3.7
    rpyc >= 5.0.1
    pytorch == 1.4.0
    torchvision == 0.5.0
    numpy >= 1.17.4
    scipy == 1.3.1
    pytorch-pretrained-bert >= 0.6.2


A Simple Example

  1. Launch the system.

    $  python -m src.controller --size NUM_NODES --port CONTROLLER_PORT --cache-dir PATH/TO/CACHE/

    --size is compulsory to specify the number of nodes to use.

  2. On each worker node, make sure that there is no irrelevant process using any GPU. Join the node to the controller.

    $  python -m src.app_manager --port MANAGER_PORT --controller_port CONTROLLER_PORT --cache-dir PATH/TO/CACHE/
  3. Submit your job.

    $  python -m src.workload submit path/to/ \
       --batch-size=BATCH_SIZE --lr=LEARNING_RATE \
       --dataset-size=DATASET_SIZE --early-stop-patience=PATIENCE

Run Experiments on TACC

  1. Set /path/to/project in scripts/, scripts/master.slurm and scripts/worker.slurm to your project directory
  2. Run scripts/ to download datasets.
  3. Submit the job to the rtx queue (in case the rtx queue is busy, please use the option -n to run a smaller cluster such as n=8).
    $  ./scripts/ -j JOB_NAME -n 16 -t 06:00:00
  4. After the job is completed, extract and analyze results from logs (defaultly located in the folder out/, which can be changed in src/
    $  python ./scripts/
    This script will generate the plots as presented in our paper under the project path.