
Just a quick dump of my terminal workflow

Primary LanguageShell


iTerm prompt look

The prompt structure is as follows: time | kubernetes-cluster-name@current-namespace | git status | directory

This is all ZSH based so you need it as your primary shell:

brew install zsh
chsh -s /usr/local/bin/zsh

NOTE: OS X Big Sir and later come with ZSH built-in, but I prefer using the latest from brew as its part of my new machine workflow anyway

The prompt itself is based on powerlevel10k & z4h https://github.com/romkatv/powerlevel10k & https://github.com/romkatv/zsh4humans z4h includes a copy of powerlevel10k so you dont need to install both.

if command -v curl >/dev/null 2>&1; then
  sh -c "$(curl -fsSL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/romkatv/zsh4humans/v5/install)"
  sh -c "$(wget -O- https://raw.githubusercontent.com/romkatv/zsh4humans/v5/install)"

NOTE: I provide my own p10k.zsh which customizes the theme to my liking, but if you would like to see what the theme author meant for things to look and behave like feel free to run p10k configurator and generate your own p10k.zsh file.

I use a few other tools to make shell life easier so go ahead and install those as well:

brew install bat tig lsd mackup tmux tmuxinator xpanes k9s font-meslo-for-powerline
brew cask install iterm2 atext copyq bettertouchtool

aText https://trankynam.com/atext/ is a licensed app, it costs $5, but it is going to be the best $$ you have ever spent. Once you start it up, simply go into the snippets folder, select all on the files and open them with aText to import text insertion snippets. Check the snippets README for description of what subsitutions are available.

copyQ https://hluk.github.io/CopyQ/ is a free clipboard history, make a global shortcut of CTL+Shift+V and have it pop up a searchable paste history over the last million or so paste items you have had :)

iterm2 https://iterm2.com/ best terminal... not much more to say

Mackup https://github.com/lra/mackup lets me sync ALL my configs straight to cloud and pull down automatically on any new machine, so I dont have to muck about with dotfile repositroies as it also does regular OS X application configs

BetterTouchTool https://folivora.ai/ control anything and everything from your keyboard + a window snapping tool/management all in one

Bat https://github.com/sharkdp/bat next gen cat

Tig https://github.com/jonas/tig text based git interface

lsd https://github.com/Peltoche/lsd ls on steroids

MackUp https://github.com/lra/mackup backup all your app/shell configs to a cloud and restore them anywhere

Tmuxinator https://github.com/tmuxinator/tmuxinator tmux pane management and sessions restoration (integrates with iTerm and tmux control mode)

Xpanes https://github.com/greymd/tmux-xpanes tmux plugin allowing for quick tmux window creation

K9S https://github.com/derailed/k9s basically htop for kube

Copy the zshrc.custom, p10k.zsh, tmuxinator/ and nanorc files to your $HOME/.

Finally add a line to load zshrc.custom from the main zshrc file: echo z4h source ~/.zshrc.custom >> .zshrc

You can now start a new iTerm session. I use its TMUX integration combined with Tmuxinator so to attach back or re-create my sessions in tmux simply do. You can edit the file and build your own window flow:

tmuxinator start default

I have placed ##MODIFY## in all the dotfiles in places I generally think people will want their own modifications.