
Created for my personal reference to create a restful api project using django. If you find it helpful then it's good.

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

Steps to start developing django project

This repo is created for my personal reference to create a restful api project using django. If you find it helpful then it's good.

Setup project

  1. pip install django djangorestframework markdown django-filter
  2. Go to folder where you want the project to be and run:
    django-admin startproject {project-name}
  3. In settings.py, add

Create app

  1. Go to the project directory and run:

    python manage.py startapp {app-name}
  2. In settings.py in the main app folder, add

  3. In the app folder, create urls.py file.

  4. In urls.py in the main app folder, add

    urlpatterns = [
    path('{name-of-the-slug}/', include('{app-name}.urls'))

Basic Commands

  • Create project
    django-admin startproject {project-name}
  • Run server
    python manage.py runserver
  • Migrate data
    python manage.py migrate
  • Create migration
    python manage.py makemigrations
  • Create admin account
    python manage.py createsuperuser

Connect with MySQL Database

  • In settings.py add this (rid the default one)

      DATABASES = {
          'default': {
              'ENGINE': 'django.db.backends.mysql',
              'NAME': 'razaknews',
              'USER': 'root',
              'PASSWORD': '',
              'HOST': 'localhost',
              'PORT': '3306',
              'OPTIONS': {
                  'sql_mode': 'traditional',
  • In Models.py, make sure the models have the same attributes and types with the database.

  • To migrate when the table already exist, run

    python manage.py migrate --fake {table-name}