NIFTY Romo Project

This project is an simple IoT Demo which has been on show at「Cloud Computing Expo Japan Spring 2015」and「APPS JAPAN 2015」. We used the smartphone robot Romo, MQTT and WebRTC to show how to creat a simple application for IoT.





  • xcode 6.0 or later
  • ios 7.0 or later


$ git clone
$ cd NifRomoController/
$ pod install

How to Use

Run Project and build

After installed the pods, you can start this project with NifRomoController.xcworkspace and then build it to your iphone.

Run Application

  • input the authentication infomation for MQTT Server at the login screen and connect the Server.
  • do the same thing at Client of this project.
  • then you can control the Romo robot with this Controller.

About the Client of this project

About the MQTT server

This project use the 「NIFTYCloud MQTT」as default setting .you also can change it with your MQTT Server.