
Policy Templates for Thunderbird

Mozilla Public License 2.0MPL-2.0

These policies are in active development and so might contain changes that do not work with current versions of Thunderbird.

You should use the officially released versions (https://github.com/drlellinger/thunderbird-policies/releases) if you are deploying changes.

Policies can be specified using the Group Policy templates on Windows (https://github.com/drlellinger/thunderbird-policies/tree/master/windows)

Policy Name Description
AppUpdateURL Change the URL for application update.
BlockAboutAddons Block access to the Add-ons Manager (about:addons).
BlockAboutConfig Block access to about:config. (Bug fixed with TB 68.1.1)
BlockAboutProfiles Block access to about:profiles.
Certificates -> ImportEnterpriseRoots Trust certificates that have been added to the operating system certificate store by a user or administrator.
Certificates -> Install Install certificates into the Thunderbird certificate store.
DisableAppUpdate Turn off application updates.
DisableDeveloperTools Remove access to all developer tools.
DisableMasterPasswordCreation Remove the master password functionality.
Extensions Control the installation, uninstallation and locking of extensions.
ExtensionSettings Manage all aspects of extensions.
ExtensionUpdate Control extension updates.


Change the URL for application update.

Compatibility: Thunderbird 68
CCK2 Equivalent: N/A
Preferences Affected: app.update.url


Software\Policies\Mozilla\Thunderbird\AppUpdateURL = "https://yoursite.com"


Block access to the Add-ons Manager (about:addons).

Compatibility: Thunderbird 68
CCK2 Equivalent: disableAddonsManager
Preferences Affected: N/A


Software\Policies\Mozilla\Thunderbird\BlockAboutAddons = 0x1 | 0x0


Block access to about:config.

Compatibility: Thunderbird 68
CCK2 Equivalent: disableAboutConfig
Preferences Affected: N/A


Software\Policies\Mozilla\Thunderbird\BlockAboutConfig = 0x1 | 0x0


Block access to About Profiles (about:profiles).

Compatibility: Thunderbird 68
CCK2 Equivalent: disableAboutProfiles
Preferences Affected: N/A


Software\Policies\Mozilla\Thunderbird\BlockAboutProfiles = 0x1 | 0x0

Certificates | Install

Install certificates into the Thunderbird certificate store. If only a filename is specified, Thunderbird searches for the file in the following locations:

  • Windows
    • %USERPROFILE%\AppData\Local\Thunderbird\Certificates
    • %USERPROFILE%\AppData\Roaming\Thunderbird\Certificates

Certificates are installed using the trust string CT,CT,.

Binary (DER) and ASCII (PEM) certificates are both supported.

Compatibility: Thunderbird 68
CCK2 Equivalent: certs.ca
Preferences Affected: N/A


Software\Policies\Mozilla\Thunderbird\Certificates\Install\1 = "cert1.der"
Software\Policies\Mozilla\Thunderbird\Certificates\Install\2 = "C:\Users\username\cert2.pem"


Turn off application updates.

Compatibility: Thunderbird 68
CCK2 Equivalent: disableThunderbirdUpdates
Preferences Affected: N/A


Software\Policies\Mozilla\Thunderbird\DisableAppUpdate = 0x1 | 0x0


Remove access to all developer tools.

Compatibility: Thunderbird 68
CCK2 Equivalent: removeDeveloperTools
Preferences Affected: devtools.policy.disabled


Software\Policies\Mozilla\Thunderbird\DisableDeveloperTools = 0x1 | 0x0`


Remove the master password functionality.

Compatibility: Thunderbird 68
CCK2 Equivalent: noMasterPassword
Preferences Affected: N/A


Software\Policies\Thunderbird\Thunderbird\DisableMasterPasswordCreation = 0x1 | 0x0


Control the installation, uninstallation and locking of extensions.

Install is a list of URLs or native paths for extensions to be installed.

Uninstall is a list of extension IDs that should be uninstalled if found.

Locked is a list of extension IDs that the user cannot disable or uninstall.

Compatibility: Thunderbird 68
CCK2 Equivalent: addons
Preferences Affected: N/A


Software\Policies\Mozilla\Thunderbird\Extensions\Install\1 = "//path/to/xpi"
Software\Policies\Mozilla\Thunderbird\Extensions\Uninstall\1 = "bad_addon_id@mozilla.org"
Software\Policies\Mozilla\Thunderbird\Extensions\Locked\1 = "addon_id@mozilla.org"


Control extension updates.

Compatibility: Thunderbird 68
CCK2 Equivalent: N/A
Preferences Affected: extensions.update.enabled


Software\Policies\Mozilla\Thunderbird\ExtensionUpdate = 0x1 | 0x0