Ludum Dare 50 PLay the game at
- Controller wired up
- Move cursor around
- Rate limit attacks
- Different kinds of attacks
- Failure case
- Success case?
- Level cycling?
- Points system
- Camera movement
- Camera zoom
- Splash screen
- Screen shake
- Music
- Sound effects
- Score VFX
- VFX for attacks
- Better art / fonts / splash screens
- Mechanic to solve the stalemate problem
Things which feel inevitable:
- water rising
- overwhelming enemies overtaking a fort
- sunrise / sunset
- temperature rising
- ice melting
- getting old / dying
- something decaying
- acid eating away something
- stretching a resource. E.g. driving more efficiently because it saves gas
- buying time. E.g. delaying an enemy so that people can escape a town.
Idea - "don't run out of gas!"
- Side view, you see a car with a profile of a road. Camera is fixed to the car so as you drive forward the road scrolls right to left.
- Road goes up and down. You have to decide how much gas (one button press) to use to climb a hill so that you can clear it and coast down. Try to make it to the next gas station.
- Pros: seems somewhat easy, simple to understand and play
- Cons: where does the scaling lie? what is being "good"? just timing pressing the button or not? do I have to introduce some other mechanic like jumping? Maybe you upgrade your car between levels? e.g. choose solar panels which help your car recover energy when it's sunny out
Hex game of life thing. We doin' that.