
Code generator for C++ D-Bus stubs and proxies using Giomm/Glibmm

Primary LanguagePythonGNU Lesser General Public License v2.1LGPL-2.1

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This is a code generator for generating D-Bus stubs and proxies from XML introspection files. The generated stubs and proxies are implemented using glibmm and giomm.

This generator is based on the gdbus-codegen code generator which ships with glib.


setup.py is used for installing gdbus-codegen-glibmm. This is a Setuptools script, and can be invoked accordign to the Setuptools manual. In a nutshell, python ./setup.py install with sufficient priveleges should get you going.

Once installed, the gdbus-codegen-glibmm command should be available in the bin directory of your selected prefix, and the required python modules should be installed in the python path.


The code generator is a command line executable, suitable for running either manually from a terminal or via a build-system such as CMake (there's an example of this below).

The following parameters are supported by the gdbus-codegen-glibmm code generator executable:

  • -h
  • Show a short help, detailing the command line parameters of the code generator
  • --interface-prefix=PREFIX1,PREFIX2
  • Comma-separated list of prefix-strings to strip from the generated C++ functions and classes. The D-Bus names in the D-Bus introspection XML files are used to generate namespaces in the generated C++ code, roughly a dot (.) is translated to a double colon (::). As an example, the function org.foo.Bar.Baz(), in the name org.foo.Bar will be used to generate the org::foo::Bar::Baz(void) function in the Bar class of the org::foo namespace. This might be too verbose for long names, and --interface-prefix can be used to prune the org.foo part from the name, resulting in the shorter Bar::Baz(void) C++ function (and non-namespaced class). Beware that this may cause name collisions if several interfaces with functions of the same names are used in the same D-Bus introspection XML files.
  • --cpp-namespace=NAMESPACE
  • A string to prepend to the namespaces of the generated functions.
  • --generate-cpp-code=OUTFILES
  • Path and prefix of the file names to generate for the proxy and stub generated by the code generator. The filename prefix is suffixed by _stub.[h|cpp], _proxy.[h|cpp] and _common[.h|cpp]. The file names generated usign this path are also used for inclusion of headers in the generated code, so it is not recommended to rename the files generated using the path supplied here.
  • Following parameters
  • List of D-Bus introspection XML files. These files are used to describe the D-Bus interfaces. Several files can be supplied. The interfaces from all files will be gathered and then emitted in the same output headers and cpp-files. See the introspection chapter of the the D-Bus specification by freedesktop for more information on the format of the D-Bus introspection XML files.

Example invocation

dbus-codegen-glibmm --generate-cpp-code=${HOME}/temperature-service-example/build/generated/temperature-service

This will create the following files in ${HOME}/temperature-service-example/build/generated/:


Implementing a stub

First, a D-Bus interface must be specified in XML. We will use the following:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
<node name="/org/foo/Bar">
	<interface name="org.foo.Bar">
		<method name="Baz">

In this tutorial we will keep the generated code in a subdirectory called generated, so go ahead and mkdir generated before continuing. The following invocation will generate a stub (and also a proxy, but this is unused in this section): gdbus-codegen-glibmm --generate-cpp-code=generated/bar bar.xml

The generated stub is a virtual class, designed to be implemented by a concrete C++ class. In our example, the following will suffice:

#include "bar_stub.h"

class BarImpl : public org::foo::Bar {
    // Called wben org.foo.bar.Baz() is invoked
    virtual void Baz (MessageHelper msg) {
        // Return void

int main(int argc, char **argv) {
    // Initialize Glib and Gio

    // Connect to the system bus and acquire our name
    BarImpl bi;
    bi.connect(Gio::DBus::BUS_TYPE_SESSION, "org.foo.Bar");

    // Instantiate and run the main loop
    Glib::RefPtr<Glib::MainLoop> ml = Glib::MainLoop::create();

The example above doesn't do much in terms of functionality, but it shows how to implement a very simple stub. Properties are supported in a similar fashion, where the stub implements _set() and/or _get() functions (depending on the accessibility of the property).

Signals are simply connected to, and no implementation code needs to be written.

The above example can be compiled using the following command:

clang++ -I . -I generated `pkg-config --cflags --libs glibmm-2.4 giomm-2.4`

Just update the filenames accordingly.

Implementing a proxy

In order to implement a proxy, run the same generation commands as in the previous example, and use the _proxy.[h|cpp] files instead of the _stub.[h|cpp]. The output from the previous execution of the generator will also work, so there is no need to re-run if the files are already available.

The following file shows the proxy corresponding to the stub above:

#include "bar_proxy.h"

Glib::RefPtr<org::foo::Bar> proxy;

void on_baz_finished(const Glib::RefPtr<Gio::AsyncResult> &result) {

void proxy_created(const Glib::RefPtr<Gio::AsyncResult> result) {
    proxy = org::foo::Bar::createForBusFinish(result);

int main(int argc, char **argv) {


    Glib::RefPtr<Glib::MainLoop> ml = Glib::MainLoop::create();

It can be compiled in a similar fashion as the previous example.

CMake integration

Running the code generator from CMake can be done using the following snippet:

SET (CODEGEN gdbus-codegen-glibmm)


                    COMMAND mkdir -p ${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/generated/
                    COMMAND ${CODEGEN} --generate-cpp-code=${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/generated/bar
                    DEPENDS ${INTROSPECTION_XML}
                    COMMENT "Generate the stub for the test program")

The usage of the $GENERATED_STUB files will trigger the execution of the code generator.