
Automated configuration setup for my Linux workstations

Primary LanguageShell


Automated configuration setup for my Linux workstations

⚠️ I would not recommend you to run this repo!: This is for my convenience only. If you do insist on using it, please only run it on a clean system that you don't mind messing up if things go wrong. Also, please read through the scripts and understand them before running.


Start with a clean installation of Pop!_OS 22.04 LTS (NVIDIA).

(Optional) Change hostname to whatever you want

It has to be changed in two places. First run:

sudo hostnamectl set-hostname [your hostname]

Then sudo edit /etc/hosts, changing all instances of pop-os to your hostname. Here's an example of what it would look like: localhost
::1   localhost [your hostname].localdomain  [your hostname]


Run the following:

bash run.sh

When prompted, enter your password and accept any EULAs.

When the script is finished without error, restart your machine.

If there are any errors, you gotta figure out what's wrong.