
Milli CoAP Arduino Library

Primary LanguageC++

Silver Spring Networks - Arduino MilliShield Software

The Milli5-Arduino CoAP Server consists of five sub-folders:

Folder Name Content
mshield Contains an Arduino sketch that uses the MilliShield libraries
hdlc The HDLC library
coap_server The CoAP Server library
coap_rsrcs Library of CoAP resources; sensors, time, etc.
utils The Utils library containing logging and buffer management

Installation Instructions:

  1. Download the folder mshield to your local machine and save it at your preferred location e.g.C:\mshield

  2. Download the remaining four folders to the following location e.g.C:\Users\<user>\Documents\Arduino\libraries

    Note: Replace <user> with your username

  3. Download and install Arduino IDE 1.8.2 https://www.arduino.cc/en/Main/Software

  4. Click on mshield.ino located in the mshield folder

  5. In the IDE, go to Sketch/Include Library/Contributed Libraries

    1. Select hdlc
    2. Repeat Step 5 and select coap_rsrcs
    3. Repeat Step 5 and select utils
    4. Repeat Step 5 and select coap_server
  6. In the IDE, go to Sketch/Include Library/Manage Libraries

    1. In the search bar, search for RTCZero and install that library
    2. Do you have the DHT11 sensor?
      1. If yes, use Manage Libraries to locate and install the following:
        • Adafruit Unified Sensor
        • DHT Sensor Library