
Leiningen plugin for thrift source generation

Primary LanguageClojure


Generates java sources for thrift files


  Install thrift if necessary:

  > brew install thrift
  > source ~/.profile     # update your PATH

  Add the necessary dependencies to your project.clj

  ;; this plugin
  :dev-dependencies [[lein-thrift "0.1.0"]]

  ;; and thift too
  :dependencies [ ...
                [org.apache.thrift/libthrift "0.8.0"]]

  ;; specify location of thift sources (default src/thrift)
  :thift-source-path "src/thrift"

  ;; source files will be placed here before javac is called
  :thrift-java-path "src/java"

  ;; thrift generation configuration options (default "beans,hashcode")
  :thrift-opts "beans,hashcode,nocamel"

  ;; add hook to enable sources to be regenerated before javac is called
  ;; or run manually with lein thift
  :hooks [leiningen.hooks.thrift]

  ;; you might also want to change you clojure source-path
  :source-path "src/clj"

  Instruct leiningen download plugin
  > lein deps


Copyright (C) 2012 Kurt Harriger

Distributed under the Eclipse Public License, the same as Clojure.