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Web app for collecting location data using Bing Maps! This is starter code, please fork and go to town!
$ git clone
$ cd resilience-map
- You'll now need a MongoDB to store the map data. Here's instructions for how to do this on Azure's Cosmos DB
- Take that connection string in put it in a .env file next to app.js:
- Here's a snippet you can copy:
- You'll also need a
in your public directory. Like this:
//Update this value with your Bing Maps key.
var BingMapsKey = 'AasdfasdfasdfasdfwNFdz2blihxwv8mPZdB5vEJR7epV3tluq67AFF75nFgVGzMH';
- Now you can run these to start the app and visit localhost:3000 or localhost:8080 depending on your .env
$ npm install
$ npm start
ornodemon app.js
ornode app.js
Create push pin add metadata: Good samples for continued development:
Also the BingMapsCredentials.js file (place inside of public):
//Update this value with your Bing Maps key.
var BingMapsKey = 'asdfasdfasdftNnk1wNFdz2blihxwv8mPZdB5vEJR7epV3tluq67AFF75nFgVGzMH';
Supplies Staff Food Water Energy/Fuel Medical Open Space Shelter
- Customize asset icons
- Figure out how to Make Aerial Mode less slow
- Add delete button to form
- Figure out the Bing Maps Security situation
- Implement GeoJSON endpoint