Project 1 - Aloha Apparel



For our first project, we re-created an e-commerce website using HTML, CSS, and jQuery scripts. The website was built as a responsive website using the mobile first approach. We added some special features, including a quantity badge that appeared by the shopping cart logo, a product image scroller, a fixed navigation bar and smooth scrolling.

Languages and tools used:

  • HTML
  • CSS (with a CSS reset styles, flexbox, and media queries)
  • JavaScript
  • jQuery (bxSlider, smooth scrolling, fixed header, DOM navigation)
  • Mobile first approach to design & coding (Responsive Web Design)
  • Git

What did I learn?

During this project, I honed my HTML and CSS skills while learning how to implement jQuery into a website. Flexbox was difficult to grasp at first but after learning how to use it, I love it compared to floats. It was also my first time using a jQuery plugin such as the bxSlider but I am confident I can edit and style jQuery plugins after this project.