
React Star Wars Quiz App

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Project 3 - Star Wars Quiz App



For our third project, we created a single page app that was a quiz about any topic/genre we wanted. I chose Star Wars naturally. We used React JS and also practiced using ES6 to build our app. The features of our single webpage include an introduction page, 3 timed quiz questions, results pages (fail or pass), and a 404 error page. CSS animations were also used to add visuals to select pages. The end result required to user the answer all three questions correctly (within a 1 minute time limit) before being accepted into a Star Wars fan club.

Quiz Answers:

  1. No. I am your father.
  2. May
  3. Over 6 million

Languages and tools used:

  • React JS
  • CSS3
  • SASS
  • Webpack
  • Git
  • Vagrant

What did I learn?

Every single person in my class struggled with this project. React has a very high learning curve, however, once you understand key concepts such as this.state and this.props, patterns start to appear, making it easier to code. React's modular structure really helped me organize and write my code methodically, which I really enjoyed. I see a lot of potential in React as you can branch off into React Native once you have a solid understanding of React. I look forward to working with this language in the future.