
Conway's Game of Life written in Lua using the LÖVE game framework

Primary LanguageLua

Game of Life


This is written in Lua using the LÖVE game framework


Download the required package from the latest release here

Replace [VERSION] with the latest version number (e.g. 1.0.0)


  1. If you have LÖVE v11.x installed, download the GameOfLife-[VERSION].love
  2. Run love GameOfLife-[VERSION].love


  1. Download the GameOfLife-[VERSION]-win32.zip
  2. Extract the zip file
  3. Run the GameOfLife-[VERSION].exe located inside the folder


  1. Download the GameOfLife-[VERSION].AppImage
  2. Add execute permissions to the downloaded file AppImage
    • chmod +x GameOfLife-[VERSION].AppImage
  3. Run the AppImage
    • ./GameOfLife-[VERSION].AppImage


Reset cells - r
Kill all cells - d
Pause cells - space
Toggle fullscreen - p
Resurrect cell - Hover on cell and left-click
Kill cell - Hover on cell and right-click