
A small EN-CN dictionary plug-in for Sublime text 3

Primary LanguagePython

Chinese-English Bilingual Dictionary

A small EN-CN dictionary plug-in for Sublime text 3

It is a very simple dictionary plug-in for sublime text3.


Ctrl+Alt+Y: 有道词典 Youdao

Ctrl+Alt+C: 金山词典 Jinshan

Select a word you want to translate, use corresponding key-mappings, then depending on the configuration "format",

There are three possible parameter for format:

  • "popup":

    a tooltips pop-up will show up, it will not be embeded in but just float on the view. close it by ESC or Crtl+Shift+D

  • "phantom":

    a block of phantom will show up just below the line:

    Using Crtl+Shift+D to Erase all Phantoms

  • "pannel":

This is the classical option, an Output Pannel will show up from the bottom.